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Mod Profiles Feature

MultiplayerModdingGUIGame options

7 years ago
Apr 20, 2018, 3:55:54 PM

I've been thinking about a possible feature to add, mostly with Multiplayer in mind.

Is it possible to consider adding a "mod profile" feature for the mod loader in the game? Just a simple list for particular mods and load orders so players can simply create their lists for particular modded saves and load all of them all via profile rather than picking one by one.

It'd be great in particular for saves/MP games that differ a lot in setups!

Updated 19 days ago.
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5 years ago
Mar 25, 2020, 2:41:23 PM

Well, tried making a quick script for example? I havn't gotten that far yet but I still think scripting it (which in turn may require you to launch "ES2ModProfile.exe" instead of the original binaries in the end; depending on how things look/are ---- Should work..

Um, I came across some debug log that ES2 had created for me for every single turn played aswell as launching the game and what not; judging by that log it actually makes me more confident that you should be able to make some kind of script to inject/load the custom "list".

It shouldn't be hard to find if I am correct....

Unless this isn't some active topic anymeore for you ;)

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