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Spending-based Inflation

Trade CompaniesMarketplaceEconomy

7 years ago
Apr 21, 2018, 2:06:40 AM

Tie inflation not to the production of Dust, but rather to the expenditure of that Dust.

This would cause several major changes:

- Savings: Inflation does not "move the goalposts" in response to saving

- Dynamic: Players spending choices affect inflation, not their passive income

- Sellers (Militarists, Industrialists) are at the mercy of buyers (Pacifists) to drive resource prices

Note: Dust made from selling resources may need to be counted against an equal amount of spending from that empire, to prevent a cycle of buying and selling to drive inflation.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 1, 2018, 7:24:20 PM

I would love to see this change. The current economy doesn't resemble anything that exists in real economics. Also, The resourcesin the marketplace nobody buys still inflate disproportionately to demand. Such a massive surplus of a specific resource in the open market would push the price to rapidly approach the limits of Zero.

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7 years ago
Jun 6, 2018, 4:14:09 AM

The inflation mechanic is definitely...awkward.  Seems like it should be an all or nothing mechanic, but there's wonky exceptions put in place, likely to prevent some perceived gamebreaking scenarios.  Unfortunately, it just makes it something you either understand and manipulate like a master, or ignore completely because you have better things to do.  Kinda binary in that regard.

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