Similar to the Stellaris "expansion planner" (and using a different name), I think ES2 would benefit in the early game from an info screen that would show star systems we have already explored that have colony candidates, organized and sorted by habitability and other factors.

Right now I'm in a game playing Sophons, and because their exploration can get way ahead of production of colony ships, I have somethng like 5 or 6 different star systems that I can send my next colony ship to. They're all decent candidates, but with slightly different pros and cons. 

Instead of having zoom into all these systems on the Galaxy map and remember the stats, it would be great to just  see them all listed on one information screen, so I could choose the best candidate. 

This info could be accessed by adding an "Explored Systems" tab to the top ot the Empire Summary screen, that would switch to a sorted list of colony candidates. Right now, there is no other tab there, and it could be a secondary mouse click that wouldn't interfere with the Empire Summary menu.