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7 years ago
May 1, 2018, 8:38:22 PM

Ships for Peace – not War!

Civilian Ship - Gradan Hull Class

Ships should have a greater versatility beyond military. There are certainly any number of reasons I could think of for space explorers to build ships that don't involve blowing things up, but there is currently no game mechanic for ecologist ships that are built to terraform planets, or religious ships that spread the gospel (playing someone other than Vodyani).

What if industry ships could mine asteroid belts and return to fledgling systems with a haul of raw materials (industry) – or science ships research black holes and provide a big one time science time boost? Or they could orbit around an interesting anomaly and provide a small boost until the anomaly is completely understood (+x science for x turns while actively researching).

Influence based ships could traverse the known galaxy touting the virtues of their civilization– A spacefaring tour, if you will, for the greater (Religious) good, with amount of influence based on distance traveled and/or other major and minor factions encountered on the trip. In similar fashion, pacifists could conduct trade missions. Return home and boom! Mega loot! Get destroyed on the way? Sorry about your bad luck and lost booty.

If a political affiliation was attached to each of these actions / modules, this would also offer an easy and straightforward way for players to directly influence the desired political party, and I for one, want more options to do this.

Module / Political Affiliation Overview

  • Pacifists - Create Wormholes Lanes / Trade Missions  
  • Militarist – Steal Resources
  • Scientist - Research Special Nodes & Anomalies 
  • Industrialist – Industry Transport / Planet & Node mining 
  • Ecologists - Minor Faction Propagation / New Terraforming Options / Food Harvest
  • Religious – Religious Conversion / Main Faction Propagation / Spacefaring Tour

Different special nodes could have different bonuses for mining, similar to planets. An uncolonized system could be mined for luxury or strategic resources, providing you have the right tech.

A significant strategic element could be added by ‘stealing’ resources from a blockaded system, or linking two faraway places via wormhole! Don’t just stop your enemy from producing Orichalcix… take it! 

These modules would be standard support modules and added to a new buildable civilian ship - gradan class. Additional research options should be added to upgrade the number and/or effectiveness of the modules.

I realize the ideas above have some game balance issues. They are just a starting point and could use tweaking. The point is, there should be more reasons to build ships than just destroying your enemy (mid to late game)

Special Ship Modules Expanded:

Modules for each of the following actions would be available through a module that is added to an existing technology [For example Research Special Nodes could be added to the Prev-scale Accelerators technology]. I’ll use the following format for ease of reading.

[Edit from Kitkun comments] - To reduce potential micro with some ships below a Route Planner feature could utilize the Trade Scan view to make preset routes that could be selected instead of using movement selection. An auto explore type option should also be available.

Module / Action Type (Political Affinity) ­ Technology Quadrant [tech level]


Trade ship missions (Pacifists) Empire [2] – 

A ship would ‘launch’ from a system with a planned route, selected ahead of time. Trade mission modules could be loaded with luxury and/or strategic resources, and dust is earned for visiting major factions in cold war, peace or alliance and minor factions with positive relationships. The amount of dust increases based on distance traveled, resource tier (Tier 1/2/3), resource Qty, and relationship status (Alliance>peace>cold war). Additionally, the amount of dust earned from each faction stop depends on the distance away from the launch point of the trade ship (farther is better). 

Cargo will be sold automatically at each stop point so the ship will return with the cargo modules empty. Depending on desired complexity, minor races could have pre-set resource preferences and major races could provide the player with preferences for resources, depending on in-game needs. Destroying a trade ship would grant the attacker 1/2 the dust carried resources still on board.

Create Wormholes (Pacifists) Empire [4]– 

two ships would be able to create a wormhole between them. Each must have the module, and the larger the distance, the more modules required. It would take a minimum of 5 turns to create, with x turns added for distance. Trade networks could be established through these wormholes to bypass hostile factions and pirates. 

Steal Resources (Militarist) Military [3]– 

As said by velorace “If you invade a system, you will "drain" from your opponent [or pirate / minor faction] all the resources he is producing on the planets he already colonized and is producing resources [from], but you will only drain those resources from that system your invading (whit specific militarist module) if he has the research for that strategic and is able to harvest it. Consider this as opportunity to harvest quadrinix in key situations even if you don’t have the research to do so. This would open opportunity to a deeper strategical gameplay in the game!” – perfect. This is exactly what I meant

Research Special Nodes / Anomalies (Scientist) Science [2&4]– [Tech 2] 

Special nodes can be orbited using a ship with the research module to further examine the unique properties of that node, and once completed, it provides a single large science boost. The length of time depends on the number of science modules present and the science boost depends on the quality of the node (a new quality that would have to be added to the nodes). Nebulas might provide more benefit than asteroids, for instance. Anomalies can be studied for a small continuous science boost to the system for x turns, where x is based on the anomaly (some can be researched for a long time, and some are simple, thus have shorter durations). 

[Tech 4] Anomaly Upgrade -Great idea velorace! – advanced science modules can amplify the anomaly benefits by combining a ship (or multiple ships) with terraforming and science modules to upgrade its effects permanently! The module should cost tier 3 resources and be expended upon use.

Industry Transport (Industrialist  Economy [2&3] – [Tech 2] 

The module would have a max industry capacity, similar to manpower, which would be filled as a percentage of the total industry of a system (Or a new build option could be implemented to fill the module instead of producing ships / buildings). The ship could travel to another colonized system or an ally system to deliver the stored industry. Multiple modules can be combined to increase total stored industry. If the ship is destroyed, so it the industry. [Tech 3] Total Storage capacity increased.

Node / Planet Mining (Industrialist ) Economy [2&3] – [Tech 2] 

A ship with a mining module could orbit a node or uncolonized planet and extract luxury and strategic resources at a rate of ¼ that planets output / turn per module to a max of ½. A module can hold a maximum of 10 resources (luxury and strategic) combined. The proper resource tech must be researched to extract it, but the planet does not need to be colonizable. The ships must return to a colonized planet for the resources to be received. When multiple resources are available, the player may select what to mine. Industry may also be mined but must be combined with an industry transport module. [Tech 3] Resource capacity is increased to 20 and a max of ¾ total output from a system is available (3 modules total). Industry mining rates for nodes and planets are increased.

Food harvest (Ecologists) Empire [2] – 

Similar to mining for industry, except it could only happen on planets with food production. Food could then be transported to colonized systems.

Minor Faction Propagation (Ecologists) Empire [3] – 

An upgrade to the food harvest module, selected foods specialized for specific minor factions can be harvested. Each minor faction would have a preference of which planet type the food came from, and when delivered to a system would increase the chance a member of that minor faction would be produced next.

Increase Terraforming Options (Ecologists) Science [3] – 

ships with this module would be able to terraform planets backwards and with more options than the current system allows for. Ship must remain in orbit for the duration of construction. Multiple modules may be required.

Spacefaring tour (Hero Point Generation) (ReligiousEmpire [2] – 

Mechanics work the same as for the trade ship mission, except instead of dust, influence is earned. Additionally, hero points are gained relating to the factions visited (you are inspiring their heroes to come to you).

Major Faction Propagation (Religious) Empire [3] – 

Must have at least 2 colonized systems. One influence per turn is accrued (regardless of # of modules) while in orbit to a max of 5 per module. This influence is received when the player moves the ship from one system to another, and the likelihood of producing a major faction population in that system is increased relative to the amount of influence gained.

Religious conversion (Religious) Empire [3] – 

This works like a combination of siege and colonization. A ship must orbit a system for x turns (somewhere between 10 and 30), spending influence to slowly convert its citizens. If the ship leaves orbit, conversion progress reduces at twice the speed it is gained. As a boost, spacefaring tours can dump their influence on the system under conversion, and if the orbiting ship is hero led, a boost is also applied. Religoious heroes get the biggest boost. 

A colony that is converted becomes fully under control (not rebelling) of the new owner in ½ the time as normal and starts at 30% happiness, rather than 0%.

Updated 4 hours ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 5 years ago

While they are not small hulls, the Behemoths can be used for various economic purposes.


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6 years ago
Jul 27, 2018, 12:48:44 PM

@ Kitkun

Valid criticism for sure. The game can already be a little micro heavy, so adding more could get tedious. I like the option of an Auto-explore like button that says, just go do things! I could also imagine a route planner button which could utilize the trade scan view (This would actually be nice, because who uses this thing?!?). There different routes could be planned and saved and then these routes could simply be assigned to ships.

So it would go sometihng like this: Build a ship - set a home base (where the ship comes and leaves from) - add cargo - select planned route - go!).


build a ship, (default home base is set as place of construction), add cargo (or don't), press auto explore.

I'll update the OP with said edits. Thanks!!

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7 years ago
May 24, 2018, 2:09:46 PM

This would be a great change to the game! Hope the devs pick this up and implement it! I always have one or two probe fleets and what feels like several thousand military ships, different ships and approaches to harvesting resources would be a great addition!

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7 years ago
May 29, 2018, 12:32:44 PM

The idea has gone through several revisions now. Some of the new civilian ships could have a BIG impact, such as creating new wormhole lanes, or stealing enemy resources, while others are more fun - spacefaring tours, new terraforming options. 

We are really looking at a whole lot of ideas here with many more that could be added, and easily some taken away. The real idea is a new civilian ship class that does cool stuff (and doesn't blow tihngs blow things up). These are just some of my thoughts of what these civ ships could do. 

So what do YOU think are the best civilian ship ideas?

 My favorites are the trade mission ships and science modules. I also really like the idea of religious conversion, but I'm still not convinced on how that should work. 

Let's get a new ship class in this game!

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 30, 2018, 6:10:09 PM

I think you better make a forum post asking for a new civillian ship design. I also believe that "civillian ship" is not really a good name for these ship classes... it seems like it is carrying "civilians" but civilizans are... pop? These ships carry modules, not pop. I believe that if you rename civilian ships to Traveller ship designs, it would sound more pacific, and more atmospheric to the theme you are trying to create. Travellers  are a more peacefull approach of the normal military ship designs, and as the name says, they Travel across the galaxy, spreading peace (mostly) and expanding your empire as they Travel. Traveller ship designs seems the best idea for you by now. 

Also, when you say best civilian ships ideas... you mean, you want to create a new ship design, or you want to ask me what is the best Traveller ship module combination? Just to make sure :) 

Also, congrats on your Religious Conversion idea. It is pretty good by now. It almosts make me want to convert a system using influence and religious power only to expand my empire better :) 

Would feel great to put a civillian / Traveller ship on a system, place a huge fleet above them that the enemy cannot beat and guard it, and just say: La la la. Soon you will be mine! ;D 

Really liking this idea so far :D

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Jun 8, 2018, 1:17:00 PM

Good call Velorace - Here is a thread. For civilian, I was thinking more along the lines of civilian vs. Military. In the US, and military personell who get a job outside the service are working in the civilian area, or as a civilian. So it's not a term meaning population, rather a distinction in the purpose of the mission. but really, I wouldn't care what it was called, if they would add it to the game 

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7 years ago
Jun 8, 2018, 7:12:15 PM

OOOh yeah! i haven't thought it following that term! Good call, Zyantree! i will try to update my ideas. 

But i thought you where requesting a civillian Ship design? 

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7 years ago
Jun 18, 2018, 11:51:39 AM

No comments from any devs yet... maybe if we get to 1,000,000 pts? past 800k now.

Or maybe is we start a chant. Ci-vi-ship... Ci-vi-ship...Ci-vi-Ship... 

Okay maybe not lol

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7 years ago
Jun 18, 2018, 12:54:26 PM

They're likely focused on upcoming tests for the next expansion, they may touch base once that begins wrapup. Meanwhile, I'm working on my idea for unlockable Heroes, and faction variants.

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6 years ago
Jul 9, 2018, 7:25:51 PM

This is an idea I very much like, as there's very limited ways to affect other systems outside of your influence, aside from blockade, and open up new gameplay options. Might even be able to repurpose models of some of the pirate ships to cut down on the work. And perhaps integrate with existing features such as trade companies, or even add whole new ones.

I do have some criticism though, and that's that some of these would be awfully micro-heavy. Planning out a trade route every time or moving an influence ship every few turns would get very tiring for players who like long games. I'd recommend adapting something like the explore command to seek out useful planets/resources/etc or just being able to set up looping routes.

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jul 21, 2018, 5:11:15 PM
Kitkun wrote:

This is an idea I very much like, as there's very limited ways to affect other systems outside of your influence aside from blockade and open up new gameplay options. Might even be able to repurpose models of some of the pirate ships to cut down on the work. And perhaps integrate with existing features such as trade companies, or even add whole new ones.

I do have some criticism though, and that's that sime of these would be awfully micro-heavy. Planning out a trade route every time or moving an influence ship every few turns would get very tiring for players who like long games. I'd recommend adapting something like the explore command to seek out useful planets/resources/etc or just setting up looping routes.

Hey good idea! To reduce micro-management you could create another screen where you could automate the whole process of moving these ships, or only create an automatic button to influence the most nearby system, or something like that.

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7 years ago
May 23, 2018, 11:39:05 PM

Good job, zyntree. I believe whit some civilian ships or (Travellers) it will be posssible to place a fixed amount of modules in them, and ensure that it has some sort of atmosphere (like i told you) And make your idea better. :)

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6 years ago
Jul 27, 2018, 9:45:32 PM
Zyntree wrote:

I'll update the OP with said edits. Thanks!

That reminds me that it would be quite nice to make your own trade routes and not have pop ups about blockades so often. The Anno series of games has good trade route creation capabilities: Create route, assign ships, set what cargo you want to buy/sell at each place. And AI trade units would visit your ports and fulfill standing buy/sell orders to keep stock at a certain level. And incidentally your response reminds me of another idea I'd like to see.

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6 years ago
Aug 21, 2018, 9:36:43 PM

Aren't behemoths like 75% of what this idea purposes? :/

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 27, 2018, 4:12:58 PM
Despell wrote:

Good idea, but with the latest DLC the Leviathan cover some of these points.

Sad :<

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 5 years ago

While they are not small hulls, the Behemoths can be used for various economic purposes.

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5 years ago
Oct 8, 2019, 12:39:54 PM

Very cool Cat-o-Nine-Tails! Great to hear that :D. I will have to go check it out. I just began playing again and I don't have the Behemoths yet, but I've got to get em and check this out now :)

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7 years ago
May 15, 2018, 4:39:56 PM

Even though I didn't read absolutely everything, the couple of ideas I saw are absolutely great and should be in the game !

I personally think (sorry in advance if you said it already, I'll edit it out if you did) that ships could also be used to be stationned in systems to reduce disapproval rates, forcing them on a minimum to avoid complete rebellion.

Aside from my personnal note, it's a great idea that is sure to give a whole new dimension to ES 2 if added, which seems mandatory in my opinion, even though it would bring more micro management with the trade ships you mentionned (I guess it could do something automaticaly like giving a set amount of ressource/ luxury per turn to a fleet of trading ships and getting something else in return in a couple of turns, or even adding an "intercept trading ships" mechanic, like taking its holds or capturing them and ransoming the faction that sent them to get them back ? Maybe I'm going too far, but it could be a Craver-only mechanic)

Edit : seems like you didn't mention it, so I guess it's another idea that could get thrown in this thread !

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 8, 2018, 2:52:54 PM

Also, try making a short glossary explaining the new mechanics your idea is offering it. Try making a short topic there saying "The new Mechanics" and you explain them one by one. May totally help to improve your idea! :)

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7 years ago
May 10, 2018, 3:42:19 PM

Thanks for the enthusiasm and ideas! You make some great points here, and that's exactly how I intended the militarist option would work. I"ll take some time and put together another post with some more details on how this could work. Glad you like it!

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7 years ago
May 10, 2018, 9:14:16 PM

Man, your idea is very good. Im sure the devs could check up upon this someday!

Im imagining the devs making this a new awesome DLC for the game *-*

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7 years ago
May 11, 2018, 1:27:50 AM

This is a great idea! It tends to take a while for my favoured political party to become dominant enough that I don't have to worry about them winning elections. For instance, for the first chunk of the game I might end up having to avoid building too many military ships or too many defensive system improvements so my beloved scientists don't get kicked out.

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7 years ago
May 11, 2018, 7:29:31 PM

Updated with details on the specific potential workings of the various ship modules. As stated in OP, this is obviously only a starting point - A brainstorm of what else ships might do in this game. Notably, some have quite significant strategic implications, while others are just more fund :-D

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7 years ago
May 12, 2018, 6:39:11 PM

Nice editing, Zyntree. just looking at it makes me feel impressed :)

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7 years ago
May 13, 2018, 8:40:12 AM

I love these ideas. So much potential in a system like this! 

The key, I think, will be making some kind of civilian fleet cap - one that keeps your merchant ships, say, from bogging down a turn, while still reinforcing the trade-prince or visiting-dignitary or bright-eyed-terraformer fantasy. Would a civilian ship's cost be on par with a military ship? Would you be able to stack multiple civilian ships to perform the given task better (like Leechers or Vineships)? 

Also, I know Hostile Conversion is still just a sketch, but this might help define it better: what unique benefits would an Empire gain from conversion over military takeover? And how is it distinct from an influence takeover?

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7 years ago
May 14, 2018, 2:52:40 PM

Thanks for the feedback whatorthat. I've taken a stab at the religious take-over fleet action (see above). Seems like there should be a way to get a system where everyone is not super pissed at you (0% happiness)!

You make an interesting point about civilian ships. The way I currently imagine this working is with new ship modules that could be placed in the support modules on ships (coordinator types), but it could be a new suite of buildable civilian ships too! I would like to see a lot of these semi-automated too, to cut down on micro-management. For the trade mission, for instance, a complete route could be set out at the beginning, taking maybe 10-25 turns for the ships to make their rounds - a guard would be important to protect from pirates. The science ones could be 'research till done' etc.

The modules would stack too. Industry mining would be x industry per turn per module. Trade mission modules can hold a certain number of goods per module, thus more modules means more items to trade means more dust! Multiple conversion modules could speed up the process, costing more influence at the same time.

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7 years ago
May 15, 2018, 11:37:30 AM

Feedback Time! :) 

Zyantree, i still believe i have a few things i could say about your idea in order to improve it. 

First of all, you are trying to make ships utilizable for peace instead of war. 

But you cannot forget that WAR is also, a very , very important part of the game. And researching technologies to increase your effectiveness in such... is essential for your survival as an Empire. As it is the only way you can protect your systems... and yourself. As well to attack others if you desire to expand your empire. 

But there are currently a few issues whit your idea: You explain that we can research those technologies by going in the tech tree and adding a bunch of new technologies, in every game stage, for we to research to improve our peacefull capability, of aiding other empires our expanding our own faster. 

But, you still have to consider that... Most people, instead of spending their time, turns and research, on researching individual upgrades like create wormholes lanes whit a certain amount of research they could utilize to upgrade their medium ships, or even research a carrier... would make most of those peacefull upgrades a real bad choice for most empires, because then empires would have to choose between: Peace, or war. 

But i believe we both want to be able to do them all, eh? :) then i got a idea that can solve that problem, may be pretty simple, but i totally recommend it for you: 

  • Make a single tech that you can research that aboards all "ship modules" of all types (religious, industry, science etc)that you can research in Empire and Developement stage divided in 3 tiers: Tech 2, 3 and 4. Each tech stage would aboard all tier 2 modules you listed, and whiteout needing to research them individually, you will research them all at once, making it possible for players to specialize both in military and pacific developement for their Empire. 

This way people can play the game more effectively, whiteout worrying if they will be pacifist, or militarist. I also believe that one research for all the stuff you listed will be AMAZING because there is a lot of room to improve how empires will develop themselves till the end game :) 

Now another point i'd like to say: You know that, some major factions... have low amount of support modules, right? Whit all that diversity... it would make it easier for some major factions to implement in these slots some modules you refered... while others well, can't really participate that gameplay. 

In order to counter this, i'd recommend you to create a custom ship design, like... a Civillian ship or... A Traveller! and that ship would be able to carry all these modules you listed, while making military ships... still usefull for military. Building these ships will naturally increase pacifist support (a little bit) because they improve peace. :) 

But also, another thing you should keep in mind is that, in order to make these ships more effective and scalling as the game progress, you will need to place another research to increase the amount of modules these Travellers or Civilian ships can carry... that will be researchble in Economy and Trade section , or simply upgraded as the advanced tech stage of modules amplify. 

I've also got an idea: i saw that only one tech you currently has is considered tier 4 to be researchble. Maybe if we made it tier 3 and we made the last tier of research for these modules a... increase in the module capacity of these traveller ships, or even double the amount of modules they has... we could make researching that technology extremely usefull to the developement of your empire instead of creating an alteranitive method to upgrade the modules of ships! :D

Great great great. Now lets take over the last few points of feedback: 

In religious take over you said about a completely different method. I liked it. but i believe that, in order for religious takeover to be effective... you need to find a way that, even small ships, like scouts, can takeover systems in a significant amount of turns... even whiteout a massive fleet defending them. There will be also a new button of like, a vodianny (im even imagining the graphics) decending from a UFO (isn't that the leech icon?) and making deals whit other people. and in this button you can utilize traveller ships (as scout ship will not have acess to any of these modules) and they would start some sort of Religious Brainwash or takeover, as you mean. But it will take a fixed amount of turns to convert that system: 10 turns on fast, 15 turns on normal, 20 on long, and 25 on endless speed. And once you start "brainwashing" that population, and you are forced to stop (the enemy place a defending fleet to stop you) you will have a 10 turn period of time until you will be able to go back to that system, and continue the brainwash whiteout any lose of progress. This way, instead of people utilizing their massive ships to simply capture systems and utilizing maaaaassive fleets to be able to contest over other systems, a tiny traveller ship will be able to conquer other systems, and this could open space to a completely new depth of gameplay: Where players will need small ships to defend each of their systems from the madness of religious Population Brainwash. Because afterwards... No one is safe from religion :D Hope in desperate times = Free convertion :D 

You can also rename religious take over to Religious Convertion. Seems better ;)

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7 years ago
May 8, 2018, 2:50:59 PM

Man, when i said to you "Your idea is good to go to be placed on games2gether" 

I srsly din't expected it became this great :D

Srsly, its amazing!!! 8D

But now i call this: Feedback time :) 

So, here are my question to improve this even further: 

In pacifist you spoken about Trade Missions. Trade missions seems like a good thing for the game but... How would they work? 

Influence Space Faring Tour... What is that? can you explain that a bit further? 

in militarist you spoken there is a specific research that enables people to... mine luxury or strategic deposists? I think that point in your military conclusion became a bit... Ehm... difficult to understand. Where you attempting to refer to the tech that enables people to harvest adamantian, antimatter, or even quadrinix for example?

You are saying that if i invade a system that i found quadrinix deposits.. i will be able to harvest quadrinix from that system if i simply blockade it even if my opponent did not researched technologies to harvest and extract quadrinix from his system? 

I believe that in order to improve that militarist idea (Its really great manyou have to make it like this: If you invade a system, you will "drain" from your opponent all the resources he is producing on the planets he already colonized and is producing resources , but you will only drain those resources from that system your invading (whit specific militarist module) if he has the research for that strategic and is able to harvest it. Consider this as opportunity to harvest quadrinix in key situations even if you dont have the research to do so. This would open opportunity to a deeper strategical gameplay in the game! ITS AMAZIIIIING! :D

Now the last feedback here: Scientist research specials nodes or annomalies on planets. (Note, you mispelled annomalies there. look it up!). But what happens if they research a special node ? What happens if they research an annomaly? They upgrade it??? OH. MY. GOD!

Srsly, amplitude can earn money this. If amplitude makes this idea become true, it would be almost better than vaulters update. Srsly talking :D

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 15, 2018, 8:33:22 PM

Some other side notes: I believe that, the reward for destroying a trade ship during a trade mission... should not be only dust, but half of its total loot yield, if it has loot when travelling to another major empire system, or half its total dust if returning from the trade route (When the ship is going in the trade route to another system, it takes luxuries and resources whit it, so it can sell in those systems, right? then after he returns it only has dust whit it so...) Only half of the total amount of loot a trade ship is carrying will go to the player who kills it. :)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 16, 2018, 1:58:39 PM
Velorace wrote:

But you cannot forget that WAR is also, a very , very important part of the game...

But there are currently a few issues whit your idea: You explain that we can research those technologies by going in the tech tree and adding a bunch of new technologies, in every game stage, for we to research to improve our peacefull capability... Most people, instead of spending their time, turns and research, on researching individual upgrades like create wormholes lanes whit a certain amount of research they could utilize to upgrade their medium ships, or even research a carrier... 

We must indeed prepare for war, and extra tech costs for researching these modules would make them quite a bit less attractive – especially since these mods shouldn’t be that strong. I intend for them to simply be attached to a preexisting technology, which should resolve this issue. I updated the OP with an example.

Velorace wrote:

Now another point i'd like to say: You know that, some major factions... have low amount of support modules, right? Whit all that diversity... it would make it easier for some major factions to implement in these slots some modules you refered... while others well, can't really participate that gameplay. 

I hadn’t thought about this, but I think the diversity this is actually a good thing. It adds additional distinction bewtween the major factions. The ones with more defense and weapon slots are more clearly military focused and those with more support slots have more options! I imagine coordinator ships as the main ship using these modules, and all factions have some support module slots on their coordinator ships.

Velorace wrote:

...i'd recommend you to create a custom ship design, like... a Civillian ship or... A Traveller! and that ship would be able to carry all these modules you listed, while making military ships... still usefull for military. Building these ships will naturally increase pacifist support (a little bit) because they improve peace. :) ...

I would also be totally down for this as well, if it works better. This might make it easier to implement and may the new ships easier to manage in gameplay. I like the suggestions you make regarding these ships too, if this is the better way to go.

Velorace wrote:

...I've also got an idea: i saw that only one tech you currently has is considered tier 4 to be researchble....

Don't forget about science Tech 4 - Anomaly Upgrade! (This was your idea ;)

Velorace wrote:

...In religious take over you said about a completely different method. I liked it. but i believe that, in order for religious takeover to be effective... you need to find a way that, even small ships, like scouts, can takeover systems in a significant amount of turns...  

You can also rename religious take over to Religious Convertion. Seems better ;)

For the religious takeover, I agree, conversion is better XD (changed in OP). Going with the support module model, a single tier 1 ship would be able to convert a system, it would just take a long time! Time could be reduced with additional modules, so a single coordinator ships could be loaded with conversion modules to speed up the process (and influence cost). I agree the ship should be able to leave and then return and continue the conversion process, but it seems to me the conversion progress should degrade over time, rather than remain static.

CraverGourmetChef wrote:

I personally think (sorry in advance if you said it already, I'll edit it out if you did) that ships could also be used to be stationned in systems to reduce disapproval rates, forcing them on a minimum to avoid complete rebellion.

CraverGourmetChef – I thought about this but did not add one because I couldn’t come up with a logical explanation of what that ship would be. Is it a party ship? How does it increase happiness in a balanced way? Make one up, and I’ll throw it up there as your idea!

CraverGourmetChef wrote:

...even though it would bring more micro management with the trade ships you mentionned (I guess it could do something automaticaly like giving a set amount of ressource/ luxury per turn to a fleet of trading ships and getting something else in return in a couple of turns, or even adding an "intercept trading ships" mechanic, like taking its holds or capturing them and ransoming the faction that sent them to get them back ? Maybe I'm going too far, but it could be a Craver-only mechanic)

This is a concern. I imagine there would be some auto functions to help. In trade ship missions, for instance- a preset path is set out at the beginning, so it's not a turn after turn ship management. Resource and industry mining would have an option like blocade / sleep which the ship just mines until complete. A return to home option could be activated so the ship auto returned with the haul, or turned off if the player wanted to choose the destination. This game can already be a little micro heavy, so definitely valid.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 16, 2018, 2:21:24 PM
Velorace wrote:

Some other side notes: I believe that, the reward for destroying a trade ship during a trade mission... should not be only dust, but half of its total loot yield, if it has loot when travelling to another major empire system, or half its total dust if returning from the trade route (When the ship is going in the trade route to another system, it takes luxuries and resources whit it, so it can sell in those systems, right? then after he returns it only has dust whit it so...) Only half of the total amount of loot a trade ship is carrying will go to the player who kills it. :)

fabulous man. added. Of course, 1/2 the loot would be a variable inversely related to dust depending on how many trade stops had been made XD - fun time programming that one!

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7 years ago
May 16, 2018, 6:58:56 PM
Zyntree wrote:

We must indeed prepare for war, and extra tech costs for researching these modules would make them quite a bit less attractive – especially since these mods shouldn’t be that strong. I intend for them to simply be attached to a preexisting technology, which should resolve this issue. I updated the OP with an example.

Good to know. That way we can research military technologies whit less trouble, but i believe you must take into accouint that some players prioritize certain researches over anothers... Adding more stuff to most technologies in game, might change this, making other technologies more important for the developement of your Empire, possibily changing the research priorities and... Well, making the game better! :) Nice idea, Zyantree. 

Zyntree wrote:

I hadn’t thought about this, but I think the diversity this is actually a good thing. It adds additional distinction bewtween the major factions. The ones with more defense and weapon slots are more clearly military focused and those with more support slots have more options! I imagine coordinator ships as the main ship using these modules, and all factions have some support module slots on their coordinator ships.

Yes... that's, also , a good idea... riftborn coordinator ships are also essential to be upgraded in order to fill them whit extra movement speed modules to make riftborn larger ships faster.... But it just feels weird that Coordinator ships will be researching special nodes, Coordinator ships will be mining asteroids and giving industry to ships... Coordinator ships will be placing womrholes around the galaxy and... Wait, will coordinator ships attempt to do Trade Missions? REALLY? 

I just like the idea of coordinator ships very very much but.. im not sure it really fits whit the thematic of your idea. Its like using the cannon of a tank to distruibite candy to children. Its possible? Yes it is! whit a few modifications you can do that. But tanks are made for war... not to teach children how to make life more sweet. Like, srsly... xD

Zyntree wrote:

I would also be totally down for this as well, if it works better. This might make it easier to implement and may the new ships easier to manage in gameplay. I like the suggestions you make regarding these ships too, if this is the better way to go.

yea, i totally like the traveller ship idea. But i agree whit you the devs will have to decide if this traveller idea is good or not. Maybe you could implement it as an ~ Alternative ~ Option in your idea? Im not sure, its up to you decide :)

Zyntree wrote:

Don't forget about science Tech 4 - Anomaly Upgrade! (This was your idea ;)


Velorace wrote:

For the religious takeover, I agree, conversion is better XD (changed in OP). Going with the support module model, a single tier 1 ship would be able to convert a system, it would just take a long time! Time could be reduced with additional modules, so a single coordinator ships could be loaded with conversion modules to speed up the process (and influence cost). I agree the ship should be able to leave and then return and continue the conversion process, but it seems to me the conversion progress should degrade over time, rather than remain static.

Yea i agree... i completely forgotten that part, but you made a good point there. Degrading over time is also a good idea, i like it! :)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
May 16, 2018, 10:18:36 PM

Well this is turning into a well fleshed out idea! Tanks shooting candy! love it XDXD! added the civilian ship as an option in OP. The more I think about it, the more it seems like this would be a better way to go...

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7 years ago
May 22, 2018, 3:40:55 PM

But hey zyantree, you are saying so much about OP but i can't see your idea updated. Where are the updates?

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7 years ago
May 23, 2018, 11:23:24 AM

So I've been updating the OP without using *edit - see a couple examples below.  I also just made it a new civilian class ship, instead of a military ship outfitted with modules. I think it makes a lot more sense this way.

Zyntree wrote:

These modules would be standard support modules and added to a new buildable civilian ship - gradan class. Additional research options should be added to upgrade the number and/or effectiveness of the modules.

Zyntree wrote:

...Destroying a trade ship would grant the attacker 1/2 the dust carried resources still on board.

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