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Cosmic Monsters and Events

Space BattlesQuestsEvents

7 years ago
May 5, 2018, 6:16:38 PM

**Reposting it into the correct place :).

Cosmic Life Form monster and events.

A monster from beyond:

Deal with a cosmic creatures that are lurking somewhere,  if you do gain  20 titanium and 20 hyperium + 200 dust.

Migrations of the Unknow:

The center of the galaxy start spawning some monsters that group up in " fleets of monsters", then try to make a lair, if they do, the lair start spawning stronger versions of that monster and the planet changes on appearance and fids.

Cosmic worm:

Each time it attacks it heals hp based on the dmg inflicted, every combat phase a emp pulse gets all ships into the fleet and have 25% chance to disable them to the rest of this particular phase.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
May 7, 2018, 1:33:53 AM

I would like to see more random creatures or neutral factions that enter into mid to late game. There is already lore behind the Riftborn that serve well as a launching pad for at least one type of invasion into the realm. I am sure there could be plenty of other creatures or independent factions that could be incorporated into ES2.

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7 years ago
May 10, 2018, 2:46:48 PM
Yeap, i have another cool ideas im going to share as soon as my life give me enough time kkk. What monsters, races would you like to see here? i also think about positive space life forms that may wander system to system giving bonuses for like 5 turns then migrating to another system and so on.
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