I know this is a very big suggestion for little old me to be asking of probably my favorite dev team, but I would absolutely LOVE to have Endless Space or Endless Space 2 on the nintendo switch.


First off, the limitation that usually keeps games like these out of console hands is the control limitations, something the Nintendo Switch is capable of handling with both a touch screen and joy-con motion controls (as demonstrated by other games. Second of course is it's mobility, and with the time span most games take, -even on fast- going mobile would be fantastic for sinking in some turns whenever and wherever you have time, and more practically than a laptop. Third, with the local multiplayer focus the switch has attained a pass-and-play could be implemented, and give a great chance to get friends just as hooked as I am, especially console-bound ones that don't know the meaning of 4X. Publicity may be attracted, this being due to the kind of game this is as well as Nintendo's new openess to mainstream games.


Some graphic changes might be needed, it is a very beautiful game after all, but given it runs on my old, weak computer, I doubt it will be too much of a problem. The playerbase isn't exactly completely there, this could mean lots of untapped potential in the market or it could lead to lack of players familiar with the genre or that are willing to buy a game of this kind on something other than pc. In addition there would of course be a lot of work put into this, with optimization, implementation, and making a deal with nintendo,  but SEGA has a pretty good connection there.

I wholeheartedly believe you guys can do it and I doubt anyone else here believes otherwise. 

My hope for this possibility may be a far cry from the outcome of this idea, but this is just a fan making a proposal, and as such something as big as a console port may be out of the realm of suggestion, but I request it nonetheless.