Additional options for the already fun diplo system.
This post still growing :)
note that most of it is enfer level of brainstorming!
general additions:
- Trade/tribute dust per turn for set number of turns.
- Trade/tribute food per turn for set number of turns.
- Trade/tribute industry? uncertain about that one...
- Trade slaves population or migrate pops with someone
- Sell population or slaves to someone
- ask to leave alliance
- ask for ships
- ask for migration treaty
- ask to tribute strategic ressource for 10 turns
- general roleplay/relations
- appology for attack
- invite for political party/bingo/ better relations, may trigger event related to the bingo, party.
- ask to make an galactic olympic games. all empires are forced peace for 5 turns, +20 approval, +100 dust, manpower, food, influence. - 50 science. to all systems in all empires.
- ask to deactivate obliterators. - 20 happiness on you and enemy if negated.
Specifc Additions:
- Allows essence tribute flat/per turn
- Allow the trade of beneficial or malefical time skills
For now that's what i tought of.
english inst my native language so... dont have me on that kkk.
Hope you all like and share more on this subject :).
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