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7 years ago
May 20, 2018, 8:42:50 PM

Two options: changing gase giant type and/or - turning it into a concret(ish) planet. I honestly can't imagine, what kind of techologies and resources it will take, but I'm pretty sure, it must be really hard, really expensive and really worth it.

You could even make some quests around it.

Updated 6 days ago.
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7 years ago
May 21, 2018, 2:14:06 PM

My opinion is, if it should be necessary, it will be better to add a Phase IV technology which enables building floating habitat above the gas giants. It may have less effect than turning a gas giant into a concrete planet, but will be able to reach a balance between your wish to fully utilize the planet and other people's concern about breaking the game balance.

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7 years ago
May 21, 2018, 6:51:45 PM

It would be fine too, and more balancing. But we're talking about SciFi here, and what kind of SciFi is this, if it have'nt a mind breaking technologies and breathtaking deeds? 

Floating habitats... then how do we colonize a GG at the first place? I guess (and I'm gonna check it right now) that this technology is allready took it place in a Phase II or III. Phase IV technology - or even few - yes, that's how I imagine this. But it should be a technology(-es) for changing the wery fabric of GG or at least - changing it's type.

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7 years ago
May 30, 2018, 8:22:04 AM

Perhaps we could expand the idea of building floating habitats by changing it from a "building" to a "terraforming system". 

You can build a habitat by a form similar to terraforming. Then, it can be expanded by researching a higher tier technology and another "terraforming". You can choose which kind of habitat (i.e. industry habitat, lifekeeping habitat, etc.) to tweak the FIDS output and/or number of inhabitant slots.

Updated 7 years ago.
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