A two part idea this time, intended to fix the Marketplace, Inflation, and Economic Victory by combining them into a larger integrated system which feels more organic.
Market Shares: Players may redirect their Income (not spend stocked Dust) to purchase Market Shares. Each Market Share adds production to all resources in the Marketplace (.3 Common, .2 Uncommon, .1 Rare), and the first player to reach 100 Shares wins an Economic Victory.
Inflation: Inflation is determined by the number of Market Shares owned by the player with the most shares. (Not the total owned by all players) Each share they own increases inflation by a specific amount (so the 100th Share ends the game at a very specific amount of inflation, 10x for example), while each share any player owns reduces inflation by that amount for themselves only. As such, players only slightly behind the leader will have better inflation than players very far behind the leader.
This puts inflation in the direct control of Dust producing empires, allows Dust producing empires to suppress inflation by competing for the most Shares, makes Economic Victory more interesting by requiring an investment of Dust rather than pumping out as much as possible, and allows empires to invest in the marketplace if they find that the resources they would like to purchase are not being sold by players.
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