good day~.^^

Every day i play ES2 with Great pleasure like 100% happiness in Empire~  

(Thank for translatiom project♥. i'm korean)

I'm not good at English.  but i would like to suggest something. so i write with the help of translator.

Please read with kindness and patience.

The Big topic is about the Victory ending scene,

at ES1, there is each victory effects (even though it was a static painting)

if  economy victory , Dust flow in eyes. 

if diplomacy victory, faction's leader was standing with festival powders.

In ES2, the present, each faction's Victory scene is so high quality animation.

but, All victory sees the same thing.

so i thought. 

if video clips that appear in each victories are different, many user would be able to get some more inspiration into the game's continuous run.

For example,

in mysterious victory RUMERIS.

background is Jenes sea. and there is high beautiful mystic obelisk. Dust falls on the sea from the top loop.

Jenestra Omalfi'meos are watching it with a bite dust wine.

idea which dust dripping was thought because of RUMERIS character (♥like dust)

therefore other faction's obelisk may be different.

In another instance,

in economy victory,

VODYANI change golden cloth as dust like Endless or Ascension. (out of a black suit)

UNFALLEN grow dust leafs (shining tree that bear dust by oneself !!!)

this is just my imagine.


present, victory scene of Rumeris is matched at economy victory.

This topic must bring a lot of thought and work. 

but "Victory" is a basic goal that is maintained from start to finish of the game.

i think it is important source.

each faction's each Victory video reward will inspire inspiration in mental attitude of own empire begin and targeted accomplishment.


if it is hard...

As the next best thing ,

At present. added a little one.

before score screen, in pop up "you are victory~~" ,  

Each is to have a victory picture like ES1 (it's less fantastic than moving....ㅠㅠ)

(present, there is just big ship. suddenly i wonder. what is the big ship?...)