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Custom Factions- Import Custom Leader Portraits

ModdingGUIMajor FactionsFactions

7 years ago
Jul 9, 2018, 12:30:54 PM

Dear Whoever Reads This, 

Good Day, 

I would like to suggest the possibility of being able to import a custom image (Whether it be a static or animated image) to use as a leader portrait for a custom race, in a similar manner to how many RPGs allow you to import images to use for your character. 

I feel if this was done, it would be a small change that would allow custom factions to feel a lot more unique as you don't have to use the same portraits as the base game, and it would open up a lot of potential. 

Thank you for reading this, 


Updated 4 days ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 27, 2018, 3:52:28 PM

Yeah and i would even pay for a DLC where you get a bunch of leader portraits for each main race that are animated.

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