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Army action: Intimidate


7 years ago
Jul 17, 2018, 9:18:23 AM

I'd like to suggest a new fleet action to be added. For now I'll call in intimidate. 

Using this action would have two effects:

-The fleet would be revealed to nearby systems/fleets (as if the fleet was in their vision range)

-The empire using the intimidate action would increase their diplomatic pressure on the empires the fleet in being revealed to (would only work in cold war)

So what could we use it for? 

 Obviously, to intimidate other empires! You could try to avoid warfare by showing them that you are more that capable of fighting back in case of an attack. On top of that, this gives your fleets something to do when they are not fighting.

 As you probably realised, you could also bamboozle your enemies by intimidating them with outdated fleets. I know you can already to that by just showing the fleets in their systems, but this could add some clarity to these shenanigans.

 You could also try to extort other empires to giving you resources, but be wary: showing too much military intel might give them a chance to rebel against your self-proclaimed suzerainty.

 You could also give your neighbours some clarity regarding to your relationship with them: someone who has fleets but doesn't use this action is probably looking to make peace, but someone who intimidates right next to your border might be happy being in cold war with you. 

This sure sounds cool, but why do we need it? 

 Right now the diplomacy is limited to asking your opponents to leave your sphere of influence, and "either we are allies or we are in total war". This army action could make the cold war feel more like.. eh, the cold war! This could be a good way to make cold war and peace different. 

 This could also create more interesting political situations. Making your fleets do at least something during peaceful times could escalate to an all-out arms race between two large empires! What about the smaller empires watching from the sidelines: should they ally themselves with one of the empires in the arms race to seek protection? Should they take this as an opportunity to catch up to them economically?

This is an awesome idea! I can't believe you are such a genius! 

 Oh stop it, you're making me blush with all your flattering. Instead give me your thoughts so we can refine the idea and see if it actually is as good as you think it is. 

Updated a month ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 21, 2018, 1:59:57 AM

I like this idea, especially on the diplomatic pressure front.

  As it stands now, applying diplomatic pressure against a specific empire feels largely uncontrollable outside of Bureaucratic Imbroglio. For empires low on the Influence production needed for Bureaucratic Imbroglio, there is little that can be done to counter diplomatic pressure applied against them by empires with higher overall scores and border friction, etc. Currently, you can parade fleets through their systems and then refuse their "remove fleets" request to increase your diplomatic pressure on them, but even this is not an option if they have closed their borders to you.

   Also, implementing this gives you a real hands-on option to put the cold war squeeze on an opponent. In order for it to work well within the game mechanics, I think the fleet action needs to have both a target empire and a large area of effect. An empire who has a large sphere of influence and has closed borders to you may make it impossible for the fleet to get close enough for a short-ranged action to take effect, so you would want the action to have a fairly large range. Here, you would also want to be able to select the target empire, since multiple empires may be in range of this fleet action. Furthermore, I would argue against intimidation having an unlimited range since in order for the fleet to be threatening it needs to be in proximity to the target empire (think: Cuban Missle Crisis).

   Additionally the devs could add contextual diplomatic responses and counter-responses to intimidation from fleets.

I see this adding a lot of welcome intrigue and tension to cold war relationships.

Updated 6 years ago.
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