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Restart Button, like in Civ 5.

GUIGame optionsGalaxy Generation

7 years ago
Jul 27, 2018, 5:41:35 AM

This is Actually an important thing, because I really really like both endless legend and Endless Space, But often times in both games, ESPECIALLY when playing as a custom faction, You end up with a very Crappy starting location.

I'm not sure why But I always end up with Barely any resources in an Area wide open to attack, often with 3 or less planets. I've litterally spent HOURS manually restarting the game in order to not be completely screwed in the first 10 mins.  This Start position problem is THE REASON I don't play your games as much as I used too.

So I'm asking for a feature other turn based games have long had, a restart button. Basically it would start a new game using the settings from the one you're in. You could even do like CIV did and make it unuseable after the first turn if you wanted. This would save the players, and likely your play testers oh mighty devs loads of time. should be a relatively simple fix to something that has made the earliest moments of the game needlessly frustrating and often puts the player behind the AI. If there's another way to fix this I'd support that too the issue it really the sucky spawn points.

Updated 16 days ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 28, 2018, 9:26:48 AM

Good QoL improvement. +1.

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