I like to play big, long games. But one thing I've found frustrating is simply finding things. Which systems have average or abundant resource deposits? Where are my scout ships? Even just finding my heroes is more tedious than it should be.
In another idea's comments, Zyntree mentioned they don't use the trade view, and it made me realize how useful it would be to have more granular advanced data views on the galaxy map. In the game Sins of a Solar Empire, there was a great set of buttons that would select everything of various useful categories, such as selecting all colonizers or superweapons. It's a small but extremely useful feature, along with it's customizable empire tree that shows everything you own.
Tl;dr, I'd like to be able to press a button and have all systems with specific strategics at abundant or a certain luxury or even has a trade subsidiary etc. highlighted. This would be a huge improvement over having to look for a system with the icon, view that system, then view the tooltip to have the info.
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