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Create some kind of Galactic News Network, Endless Style

Notification systemNarrativeEvents

7 years ago
Jul 29, 2018, 3:49:17 PM

 Considering that after the release of the Hishos in Supremacy we are going to have a lot of work in information with the new Spy Sistem coming with the Umbral Choir,  something that I personally believe would be very useful to the game is the creation of a Lore fitting information network to keep the players up to date with big events in the galaxy. We already have something similar in the quest system ofc, but I think something more active would be a great thing.

  Whenever a civilization do (or start doing) something notable, there would be notifications, akin to what other 4x have right now, be the actual GNN on MOO or the feed from allies and city-states in other games about rumors and intelligence in general.

  It could mix both lore aspects, like the developments of other civilizations in questlines (ex: Hey, the United Empire is now Mezari) or even things with greater strategical impact, like the knowledge that another civilization started a Legendary Deed Wonder, which would immediately create a Race if the player wants it as well. 

 Would also be great to notify great battles among empires that aren't in the player's immediate vision, giving even more substance to the new Battle Relic System from Supremacy and making the world more alive in general.

 It doesn't need to be a literal News Network like in other games, in fact, I believe it would be much better if it's something completely new and original, 100% Endless Style, it doesn't need to be free or automatic either.


 I can imagine something like a mysterious intelligence agent from the shadows, an observer, like a super spy who would sell empires random pieces of information in exchange for Dust or Influence, could be a renegade member of the Umbral Choir creating his own galactic changing business, like Isyander and the Academy, or a Secret Cult that reveres information, or even put the Endless Day's Archivists that are already in the game to good use. I believe the possibilities are (pun intended) endless!
 All in all my idea can be resumed as a way to give the player's access to more information out of the player's area of vision, be it rumors, or just a direct feed from a superior entity, either way, I believe it would be a cool way to give players more information about, not only the universe in general, but what's going on in the specific match as well and create more involving gameplay as a consequence.

 What do you guys think?

Updated 4 months ago.
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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 10:06:50 PM

I would love something like this, even if it’s only decoration. Making the world feel alive is something I think this game needs to get better at

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7 years ago
Jul 31, 2018, 10:42:24 PM

Yeah, I definetly hope this idea get some visibility, anything similar would be great. 

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7 years ago
Sep 17, 2018, 7:39:19 PM

Sounds very interesting. I think it will make the game more live and atmospheric. Hope devs will notice it.

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