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SIsters of Mercy major faction and accompanying DLC content

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7 years ago
Jul 30, 2018, 9:43:24 PM

The Sisters of Mercy have been a really interesting part of the Endless canon for a while now, and I think their story needs to be delved into more!  A Sisters of Mercy major faction could shed some light on this very interesting group!  They've been around since EL, and their story can continue and be explored in ES2!

Their faction quest could interestingly combine the duality of their "healing/hurting" ways, and players could choose which ideal of the Sisters they wish to embody; The mercy, or the justice.  Just like the Riftborn, the Sisters have been abruptly thrust into the bizarre and foreign environment of space.  Their story could revolve around their struggle to uphold their views of universal justice while adapting to these new environments and new races. They will have to question their divine place in creation, and re-assert themselves as the givers of Mercy; by all means necessary

As a population, the Sisters would be primarily religious and could offer the ground combat bonuses they offer currently as a minor faction.  As an additional bonus, they could have a buff to influence gain.

Their unique techs would be a balance between military and empire techs.  The Sisters have never been known to shy away from a fight, but as their many quests in EL shows, they do like to use diplomacy when possible.

They would retain average science and industry techs, and focus heavily on the dual tools of diplomacy, and combat.  Their ships would be limited in versatility, as they are unfamiliar with their new environment to predict and adapt to all possible situations.  Nevertheless, their vessels would remain quite powerful, with many slots on each ship.  If specialized and combined effectively, the Sisters would be a force to be reckoned with.

Undoubtedly, some Sisters would be drawn to the Academy.  They hope that the mysterious Iysander St. Shaiad can spread some light on this universe, and then the Sisters can learn how to continue their divine task of doling out Mercy.  Two Guardians, an Overseer, and a Counselor would lead the Sisters onward, on the political field, as well as the battlefield.

As Amplitude likes to bundle new factions with new gameplay mechanics.  A possible idea for the accompanying content update could introduce more population and governmental effects, specifically due to the justice system.  Different races with such different ways of life and customs would certainly come into conflict with one another.

Populations with contrasting political affinities (militarism/pacifism, scientific/religious, industrialist/ ecologist,  etc) could cause small crime events to take place.  The player would have to act as head judge, and decide which of the two offended parties is correct, and these decisions could have temporary effects empire-wide.  If you rule in favor of the industrialists for example, and your population is primarily industrialist, then effects might be slight.  However, if it is a more even split between industrialists and ecologists, problems could arise.

This idea could be developed even more with the addition of a "Supreme Court."  The number of seats on this court would depend on the player's political party, which Dictators have a limited number, while Democracy has a greater number.  The members of this court (or more specifically their political affiliation) would be determined by the player.  The courts would provide the player with advice/analysis of a possible ruling.  If the player so chooses, the courts can be instructed to automatically deal with cases that have "minor" repercussions, while more major cases are still judged by the Player.

The rulings of these court cases would not only have effects on possible FIDSI gains/losses and happiness buffs/debuffs, but they would also sway the political standings of the non-afflicted populations, as they react to your rulings.  If you rule against the majority, for example; you could gain a wanted effect such as a FIDSI boost, or another effect, but the party you ruled in favor of could possibly lose power in your empire.  (From a programming and development standpoint, rulings could affect the "secondary support effects in elections.  To clarify, when the Pacifist political party votes for the Ecologist leader.  The Ecologists could possibly lose the pacifist's vote after a court ruling)

This new judicial system could add much-needed depth to population management, as well as interesting and engaging tie-ins into governments and political parties.  It also gives players a more practical use for the spaceport (as opposed to deporting "useless" populations to "trash" planets).  The more heterogeneous the player's empire becomes, the more they need to pay attention to which populations coexist with others.  For example, the player could move Militarist populations off of a planet with a lot of Pacifists, and replace them with Religious populations, as they do not directly conflict with the Pacifitst populations.  New laws could be added to control the effects of these judicial events at the cost of influence and approval.

The Sister of Mercy could have tie-ins or buffs to this new judicial system, such as lessened negative effects of rulings, or Sisters of Mercy heroes could have traits that lessen the chance of such events to happen.

The Sisters of Mercy are an amazing and unique part of Endless lore. Players would finally get to explore their divine organization, and deal Justice with one hand, and Mercy with the other!

Updated 9 days ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 20, 2018, 2:56:19 AM

Wow. Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions/feedback on this idea?

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6 years ago
Oct 11, 2018, 12:43:26 AM

Should I have separated these two ideas out into two separate idea posts?

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