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Galactic Diplomacy


7 years ago
Aug 10, 2018, 1:01:36 AM

One thing I find lacking in Endless Space 2 is the current diplomacy options and the alliance system. I would personally impliment the following changes to expand the current abilities one can use via diplomacy.

-The ability to ask/demand an empire/alliance to go to war or make peace with other empires/alliances.

-The ability to ask/demand alliance members to kick current members.

-The ability to create a "Galactic Counsel" which could function similarly to the UN in the Civilization games, where empires could vote to set trade embargos on others, restrict vertain resources, place restrictions or taxes on military craft, pass laws that would affect all empires, etc. etc. etc.  

All in all any expansion of the diplomacy system would greatly imrove the feel of empire and alliance relations in the game in my oppinion. 

Updated 2 months ago.
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7 years ago
Aug 18, 2018, 7:31:47 PM


Deffinetly the option to demand/ask someone to leave "x" alliance(including ours). And to ask "x" faction/alliance to make peace with "y" faction/alliance.

While we are at it, it would be very helpfull to have votes on alliances when it comes to declaring war/accepting peace. 

Updated 7 years ago.
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