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Bring back the Haunts as a minor faction

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7 years ago
Aug 19, 2018, 10:16:49 PM

One of my favorite minor factions from Legend was the Haunts. 

Given their lore background from EL, "An echo or 'ghost' effect of the Virtual bombings, this faction are the partially intelligent remnants of Virtual Endless, typically found in ruins. " it would make sense that they could exist in places beyond Auriga and throughout the galaxy. 

Perhaps a higher chance of them appearing on planets with Endless related anomalies?

Also, the Endless Day quests give you Haunt Heroes. So it would make sense to find minor populations scattered around the galaxy. 

Keeping with their science aspect in EL, and that there are only 3 Scientist minor factions (4 if you count Pilgrims who are Religious, but also boost science; 5 if you count the Foundlings, exclusive to Vaulters), their stats might look like (And I welcome input / criticism)

Ideology: Scientists
  +2 Science
  +3 Science / Cold (** Keeping with their EL lore that they are immune to cold)
50/70 : +25 Science per Cold
20/70 : -20% Industry cost on Science Improvements (** Maybe too strong? Too weak?)

10 Pop: +Scientists

20 Pop: +15% Science on systems with Haunt Population

50 Pop: Haunt Law : +0.1 Science per Dust. (** needs input, based on Pulsos law of 0.1 Science per Industry)

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 10, 2018, 4:24:11 AM

I have to agree, not seeing Haunts in ES is rather odd since the Endless are/were a galaxy spanning people/civilization. I would even venture as far as to say they remind me of the Promethians from the Mass Effect series in the sense they are long gone (or so we think) but echos and remnants of their society are still there. Thematically having Haunts would make sense.

Which could lead to a quest chain that could possibly bring a vangard fleet or even a massive return force of the endless (the real mccoy or virtual) back in to the galaxy

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