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6 years ago
Aug 28, 2018, 10:36:11 AM

As you probably recall, in the original ES, these was a mechanic called Rally Points whereby you could redirect newly-built ships to a particular system, MOO-style.  In ES1 you could do this by CTRL-clicking the system you wanted to send ships from, then the destination system. This feature doesn't seem to be implemented in ES2 but there doesn't seem to be any good reason it couldn't or shouldn't be.

Some would-be-nice extensions of this idea, which as far as I know none of the previous MOO or Endless _____ games have done with it:

  1. Allow chaining them together. If A has B as a rally point and B has C, newly built ships from A would then go to C via B.
  2. Include an easy way to stop using a particular rally point. Say I have six  ship-building systems all using the same rally point, then I make peace with those whose asses I was previously using those ships to kick. It would be nice to be able to shut down all six routes from the rally point itself (i.e. the destination system), rather than have to turn off all six individually.
  3. As an extension of idea 2, ideally whatever interface is used for this should alos allow the option of changing the rally point(s) to a different system instead of just removing it entirely. (I know in MOO1 there was a way to change all your rally points to one system, but this would change only those rally points that previously had one specific destination system - better if, as is often the case, you need two or three regional task forces rather than wanting all your ships in one place.)
Updated 2 months ago.
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6 years ago
Oct 4, 2018, 8:25:17 PM

Yes! Even the "so bad and horrible" MOO4 has them now.

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