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Customizable AI difficulty settings for every AI player.

LobbyGame options

7 years ago
Sep 2, 2018, 7:59:11 AM

For an even more customizable experience I can imagine that a useful feature would be an option to customize diffculty for each specific AI opponent, not only all at once. Like, tune down difficulty for one AI opponent, while scaling up that of an other. Say you play a small 4 player game, with 3 AI. You could put the Cravers on Impossible while putting the others on Endless for example. Or for a more challenging version, you put most AI on Endless and one on easy, and carry that one easy through to victory. 

Not sure that it is a great feature overall, but I can see it being of use for some players. Just an Idea.

Updated 5 days ago.
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7 years ago
Sep 2, 2018, 8:08:39 PM

Sorry, seems you try to fix your issues with some specific AI. This will completely break game balance. You will know which AI less smart and can exploit that knowledge. Looks like cheat and useless option.

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6 years ago
Oct 8, 2018, 12:20:29 PM

What? Why you have to do the doofus assumptions things here? I cant remember the last time I lost on Endless, and changing the difficulty manually can be a way to raise the challenge level. As I typed in my original post too. I personally think it could be fun to have an ally on normal, the rest on endless, and carry your nooby ally to victory. Because thats the only challenge right now, alliance victories, for single player at least.

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