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New Anomaly Ideais

ExplorationGalaxy Generation

7 years ago
Sep 13, 2018, 8:49:12 AM

The one thing that I like about Endless Space 2 is the anomalies because it give you a idea what the average citizen may have to deal with depending on the planet that their on. Here are some of my ideas:

Abandoned Research Station


Happiness +2 per population

Science +3 per population

Industrial +1 per population 

Planets known to have anomaly

Cold gas 


It is unknown exacly how long this station been abandoned but this station can't be more than a few hundred years old since much of the station's systems are still in working order making every enginer happy especially scientists. 

Migration Herd


Happiness +2 per population

Science +1 per population

Food +2 per population

Planets known to have anomaly

Arid(rare), Atol, Boreal, Ocean, Savannah, Steppes, snow(rare), Tundra.


This planet has a large diversity of migrating herd of herbivores that make hunters enjoy hunting a variety of exotic species & scientists are also happy research the native diversity of these worlds.

Bleeding Atmosphere


Happiness -2 per population 

Industrial +3 per population 

Planets known to have anomaly

Burning Gas


Thier are some gas giants in the galaxy that are so close to their parent star that their atmosphere literally bleeds which make mining a little easier by simply filtering the gas trail but it makes living conditions of this planet very hazardous.

Old battle ground


Happiness -2 per population

Food -2 per population

Dust +2 per population

Science +2 per population

Industrial -2 per population 

Planets known to have anomaly

Arid, Atol, Arctic, Desert, Monsoon, Ocean(rare) Savannah, Steppes, Snow, Terran(rare), Tundra


A long ago battle from other empires before our time or nations that originally live on the planet to begain with had a massive battle on this planet. Alot of old weapons, armor & old relics can be found across the planet making scientists happy. Live bombs such as grenades, missiles, mines & old booby traps are also found sometimes buried across the planet making the planet surprisingly dangers which complicates both farming & Industrial progress. 

Extra Oxygen


Happiness -2 per population 

Food -3 per population 

Industrial -1 per population 

Planets known to have this anomaly

Boreal, Forest, jungle, Monsoon, Savannah(rare), Steppes(rare), Toxic, Tundra(rare).


The planets has breathable air but oxygen level is much higher than most planets meaning that with out wearing proper breathing mask that produce safer levels of oxygen with nitrogen & carbon dioxide increases your risk of getting oxygen toxicity. The high oxygen levels make wild fires more common making farming stressful & all houses have to have oxygen filters to keep people from getting sick.

(note that if you zoom in on the planet you can see forest fires across the planet)

Vector Borne Pest


Happiness -4 per population

Dust -2 per population

Planets known to have anomaly

Atol(rare), Boreal, Forest, jungle, Monsoon, Ocean(rare), Savannah, Steppes, Toxic, Tundra


This planet is being plague by monsquitoes that carries diseases & cause irritation to the skin when being biting making people not even want to go out doors & it cost dust to extermination the pest on a almost daily basis. 

Apologies if my grammer is not good.

Updated a month ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 20, 2019, 7:02:51 PM

Here are anomalies that may also be interesting.(English is not my native language that there will be errors)

No. 1 "Dust storms"

Appears on the planets: Desert (Often) Arid Savannah Steppe.

Description: The absence of natural barriers for winds leads to a speed of blowing winds of 10-40 m / s, sometimes up to 100 m / s. Wind raises large amounts of dust from the surface, resulting in dust storms. As a result, industry needs improved dust protection technologies. But agriculture suffers most of all, because storms completely destroy crops.


Food -3 per unit population

Industry -1 per unit of population

Dust -2 per unit population

Happiness -2 per unit of population

No. 2 "Synchronous rotation"

Appears on the planets: Toxic Barren Ash Lava Deserted Arid

Description: It turned out that the period of revolution of this panel around its axis coincides with the period of revolution of it around the star. In rusaltate, one side is always turned toward the star and the temperature on it is too high, and the other line is too cold. Only a narrow part of the planet between the hot and cold sides remains suitable for life.


Place for population -75%

No. 3 "Pest Invasion"

Appears only on fertile planets

Description: This planet is inhabited by incredibly gluttonous insects that are not vulnerable to all the known chemicals against pests.


Writing -4 per unit population

Happiness -2 per unit population

No. 4 "Forgotten telescope"

Any planet

Description: A station with a very powerful and high-tech telescope that will greatly facilitate our observation flies in orbit on this planet.


Science +1 per unit of population

Review Range +6

No. 5 "Asteroid in orbit"

Any planet

Description: An asteroid rotates in orbit around this panel. Research has shown that the asteroid is very rich in minerals. Probably some kind of ancient race drove an asteroid to extract fossils. In any case, industry will be a plus.

Effects +3 industry per unit of population.

Updated 6 years ago.
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