Good Morning!
With the release of behemoths and their current three variations [Military, Science, Industry] and the three specializations [System Demolition, System Defense, Fleet Destruction] I feel like we are missing an opportunity to both add more variation to them while increasing variation on Systems you may need, but do not necessarily want to occupy. I have two primary suggestions for additional Specializations for the Behemoths and how they can affect UNCOLONIZED Important Systems.
Let's take a look at one campaign map for proper reference:
In this photo we can see Two clusters of systems (mini constilations) and one connecting star lane. There is one thing to note here, the Star lane that connects the clusters have 1 system on each side. These two systems would be the perfect place to install defenses for the home cluster of the faction (lower cluster) and seperate the front line of the war front (upper cluster). How can we do this without occupying those systems and wasting resources and time? Here we come to my First Behemoth Specialization Suggestion!
[Star Base]
This behemoth specialization can be connected to the Citadel tech tree. This special behemoth acts similar to a citadel, but with the movement and fighting capability of a fleet. Attach this specialized behemoth to an uncolonized system and activate it's special defense mode! This specialized behemoth cannot initiate attacks outside of it's defensive mode and thus acts strictly as choke point defense on uncolonized systems. Like the two connecting systems in the photo above.
Primary Modules on the Star Base are Locked to Kinetic Slugs (You can upgrade these Kinetic Slugs but cannot switch them from Slugs) (Gets the x Multiplier all behemoths get)
Primary attack Modules are Squadron modules, this type behemoth gets A lot of them.
Defense Modules
3 Support Modules - I use 3 as a base 1 movement, 1 health/repair related, 1 defense/offense support module [Optional obviously]
Primary Slug Modules Make up 30%-35% of the Modules
Squadron Modules make up 50%
Defense Modules make up 10%-15%
Support Modules make up the remainder
This is subject to balance as needed.
This type behemoth can fly with a fleet, it however has a reduced amount of command points in relation to your max available command points.
Instead of base 10 CP for this Behemoth Specialization this Behemoth has 15-20 (based on balance as devs see fit)
The fleet flying with this behemoth is subject to it's restrictions on attacking outside of it's special defense mode.
Next Specialization I'm still working on names for
1. FOB Forward Operating Behemoth
2. Dry Dock
3. Harbor Base
As the names would suggest this Behemoth type is strictly a support type behemoth. It lacks any proper offensive abilities but does have defensive mobalizations for self defense. This specialized behemoth would focus on Fleet construction and Repair.
Special Notes:
A Hero can be assigned to this behemoth but will not fight in space battles. The Hero's system effects will affect this tpye behemoth. INDUSTRY STATS ONLY!
During space battles this behemoth can first Launch all hangared aircraft as a combined fleet with the Hero's ship a part of the fleet (Fleet stats will be added from the hero if he has any) [This behemoth type may only launch a fleet for defense while in it's specialized stance] If this behemoth is caught out of it's defense mode It may only fight as itself.
This behemoth type can have 4 Max CP Fleets in it's node (either in the hangar or orbiting the same node) e.g. 3 Fleets in Hangar - 1 Fleet repairing in Orbit
This behemoth type can fly with Fleets in it's hangar. Subtract 2 Movement Points Per Max CP Fleet in the Hangar (e.g. 12 is MAX CP, Hangar has 32 CP points in it- subtract 4 Movement Points)
This behemoth has +6 movement points over base Behemoths (lacks proper defense, any attack, has base defense) Movement Modules DO NOT STACK on this Behemoth
This behemoth's special stance allows you to sit on an uncolonized system and use it's Industry FID (100% on system, possibly upgradeable with tech? 125-150%)
Connect to an Asteroid field [It will recieve base 500 Industry from Asterioid Fields]
If connected to an asteroid field this behemoth type can select 2(3 or 4) systems within it's Constellation that you own to leech industry (2 - 50% / 3 - 33% / 4 - 25%) for fleet building
This behemoth type when in it's specialized stance adds an influence zone (not big enough to move outisde of the system) in which Fleets repair faster
(I suggest it does not refill manpower because I couldnt think of a logical balanced way to do that)
This behemoth type when in it's specialized stance can Build fleets so long as it has CP slots available to hold them (4 max CP fleets in Area of Influence)
Behemoth Count 4/5
Star Base Count 1/2
Dry Dock Count 1/1
This faction has 1 Dry Dock, 1 Star Base, and 2 other Type Behemoths
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