Especially when the academy summons or destroys the lost, there is no actual in game use for the Lost. Other than small bonuses on the lodestone systems for fleets and quest rewards, the influence of the Lost are minimal. What I am suggesting is like a Mass Effect type subject, that there should be an extragalactic force that either could be:

1. The Extragalactic Force is the Lost who goes against all empires whether rejuvenator or the other side when the rejuvenators lose.

2. The Extragalactic Force is something else but Lost is helping by watching over and giving passive support

3. The Extra Galactic Force is something else but the Lost does not help because the Academy is destroyed

The extragalactic force gives an oppurtunity or attempt to try to unify the galaxy through special diplomatic methods. The galaxy could be united, but it can also go divided against this force. 

If you have any other ideas, comment down below!