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Trade Companies : Types and Expansion

Trade CompaniesMarketplaceEconomy

6 years ago
Oct 20, 2018, 5:47:46 PM

First idea proposal !

Trade Companies (TC) adventure could begin with a choice : what bonuses do i want and/or need ?

I see some types more or less inspired by our current societies and appliable to ES2 :

- Leisure Companies : happiness and luxury resources bonuses (could be a portion of FIDSI bonuses of said luxury resources, and/or flat bonuses to luxury resources production, like now)

- Mining Companies : Industry and Strategic resources bonuses (like above)

- Science/Information Companies : flat science bonuses, random discoveries over time (could be technologies, semirandom ship modules, improvements, based on political inclination of the TC worlds)

- Pure Trade Companies : Dust Dust Dust, and copying part of the bonuses of other companies sharing this TC's worlds

- Military Complex Companies : Malus of Dust, in exchange for random military modules/upgrades on possessed military modules

- Rogue Companies : Malus of Dust and/or Happiness, in exchange for access to the "black market" or gaining access to a production of each luxury resource and/or strategic not present in your empire, or automated creation of pirate/corsair fleets in nearby systems

-Agro Companies : Food bonuses and/or Max Pop slots per planet bonuses or bonus slots dedicated to minor factions ?

Each empire could create 2-3 TC, much like now, maybe 4-5 if dedicating to the right tech tree (Unique and/or local wonders ?).

Instead of invisible trade ships, each TC upgrade would allow to choose one secondary star systems for this TC (with an increasing Dust cost like now), contributing this TC with their respective trade value. 

Players could choose opponents star system to create co-dependance in situations of peace.

Like proposed in another idea, TC could have a flat Dust value, with players being able to buy other players TC's or parts of them to profit more of their effects, and gaining access to an alternate economic victory.

Updated 13 days ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 21, 2018, 12:57:14 AM

Great ideas. Only a couple of things I contest.

"Instead of invisible trade ships, each TC upgrade would allow to choose one secondary star systems for this TC (with an increasing Dust cost like now), contributing this TC with their respective trade value."

   Trade agreements already handle trade connections in a satisfactory way. For example, even low-ranking and low-upgraded trade companies are limited only by the number of trade agreements and trade subsidiaries that the empire owns or has access to. I don't like the idea of limiting the number of connections a trade company can have based on its upgrade level.

   Howerver, it would be nice to see something other than the invisible trade ships we have now. Maybe something like trade caravans visible on the galaxy map as civilian ships would be more satisfying. Also, having visible trade ships that could be intercepted could add more context to trade route blockades and add incentive to protect the investment cost in expanding trade fleets.


"Players could choose opponents star system to create co-dependance in situations of peace."

Co-dependance of trade partners is already handled well by trade agreements via diplomacy.

Other than that I like your ideas!

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