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Victory conditions: galaxy campaigns

Game optionsVictoryNarrativeQuestsEventsGalaxy Generation

6 years ago
Nov 12, 2018, 9:12:41 AM

ES2 already is really fun to play again and again, but one thing is still missing in my opinion and that is a real campaign. We already have got the academy quest one might argue, still I would love to see options for e.g. random "King of the hill" maps (an empty middle node has to be under your control for several turns to win), or maybe a game-mode where you get a difficult questline that ends the game before the max turns are reached, but no one sees the points of the other empires. Or the real thing a campaign mode in which you can actually win by completing a competitive questline.

I guess introducing those game modes or campaigns is not a minor challenge because of the AI and stuff, but in my opinion it would be worth it!

Please give me a feedback and discuss.

Updated 11 days ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 19, 2018, 2:33:57 PM

I would be down with something like "King of the Hill' if the AI would focus on achieving that victory condition.

The problem is that the AI does not focus on ANY victory condition except by accident. Also this victory would have to be exclusive of all other victory conditions. 

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6 years ago
Dec 19, 2018, 3:18:00 PM

Thank you for your feedback. The idea is if you choose this victory condition for one map, It would be the only condition for this map. But it would be only an alternative for standard vic conditions. It is probably hard to realise with rhe AI thats right. :)

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