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6 years ago
Dec 14, 2018, 7:47:23 PM

After the release of "Untold Tales" and "Celestial Worlds" DLCs, it seems we might be getting more of these minor story dlcs. I suggest one that focuses on Auriga and here are my ideas for it:

  • Long quest line with mutiple endings centered around Auriga and her secrets
  • The quest rewards can be new population types that survived Auriga's winter. Particularly the ones most likely to survive like the: Allayi, Broken Lords, Forgotten, Cultist, and the Necrophages (the Necrophages quest ends with eggs being laid everywhere, so perhaps some explorer comes across them).
  • The quest could also lead to the Kapaku homeworld where three things could be going on there: the sowers completely terraformed it with few Kapaku left, the war between them is still going on, or the Kapaku managed to beat the Sowers and reterraform their planet back to Ash.
  • Some new Hero units from Endless Legend factions.
  • Some Endless Legend soundtracks remixed for Endless Space 2
  • More lore about that Dust Crystal from Dungeon of the Endless and the Quest Victoy in Endless Legend.
Updated 7 months ago.
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6 years ago
Dec 25, 2018, 1:23:07 AM

I would like to have an Aruigia questline about the colonization of it like:

The Aurigia discovery / colonization could be linked to a quest chain. It would be cool to have some kind of competetive quest here. 

Example: Aurigia was discovered and players get a notification and a quest starts like: 

1. "Be the first one to colonize it".

If colonization is completed the next quest starts, like: 

2a. "Prevent other of taking it for X turns" (if it fails it switches to 2b).

While for others players the choice would be: 

2b. "Successfully invade Aurigia within X turns" (where X is the number of turns from 2a; notification can appear when the system changes the owner (X is reset to inital value) and the system can't be raised).

Afterwards it can continue with a questline around Aurigias secrets.

For example you can repair the Husk of knowledge to get a Monument ready immediatly if you get enough of the ressources for the repair. That would encurage that player to aim for a monument victory and further causes more competition around Aurigia. An Endless Legend hero would be also a nice reward for the quest. Many possibilities here.

Just as an idea, but it would encourage players to fight over a single planet and due to the turn reset when owner changes it can cause a long war period, but also allows slower races to catch up.

Dunno, just as an idea, if it can be balanced.

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6 years ago
Mar 9, 2019, 1:31:01 AM
dombom88 wrote:

The Aurigia discovery / colonization could be linked to a quest chain. It would be cool to have some kind of competetive quest here. 

Maybe, but remember that Auriga is a part of their faction quest: even though they don't need to colonize her, it could be hard for them to search a curiosity on her if she's always the center of attention.

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