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8 years ago
Dec 18, 2016, 7:51:50 PM

My proposal is to fix the problem of Endless Space 2 "telling, not showing" in part by making systems more clearly specialized when viewed from the Galaxy level. Right now, stars come in a dizzying array of strange forms, from mundane white dwarfs to unusual Endless constructions encased in rings and spheres of metal and glass, like celestial ornaments. To take advantage of this strangeness as an excuse and solve this problem, I suggest that stars be allowed to apply FIDSI bonuses to their entire system, on all planets. This way, while the planets in a system may specialize in different areas, we can tell at a glance that the yellow star system is a good place for a % based Dust bonus, instead of just hoping that a blue planet that is supposed to make cold worlds ACTUALLY ends up making cold worlds.

Currently, it is impossible to determine what a system will be like at a glance. In Endless Legend, if a region was predominantly white and blue in color scheme, I knew it was icy and therefore brimming with science, but not so much with food.

In Endless Space 2, any given system can have an assortment of completely different planets, making the system as a whole unspecialized and not particularly important compared to other systems of similar size. Although there is ostensibly a higher chance for some stars to produce certain worlds, I haven't noticed that in my games, and there is no rhyme or reason as to what planets are assigned to what stars. Jungles exist alongside tundras, and it makes sense because in our own solar system, planets have wildly different environments. However, I believe that by allowing every system to be random and mixed, the game suffers, as players cannot pass judgments on what systems are valuable except in extreme cases.

Updated 9 days ago.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

As explained by Jhell, the galaxy generator is already weighted to create planets according to star type, but applying FIDSI bonuses on System based on the star type is out of vision for Endless Space 2.


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8 years ago
Dec 19, 2016, 1:01:55 AM

I kinda like the idea of the stars, but.....


Though I will agree to the rest, and voted because of that.

Currently, there seems to be NO relation to the star description and the reality of the planets in those systems.   I've had predominantly hot planets with stars that are supposedly going to have 'cold'.   And all options in between.

I don't even bother with my Heros and their specific bonuses toward 'hot' or 'cold', it just doesn't seem to make enough of a difference when it's all done.    

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8 years ago
Dec 19, 2016, 3:47:03 AM

It says right in the star descriptions that they have only a slightly higher chance of producing this or that planet type. Realistically, that makes sense, because there is no hard and fast association between a star type and a planetary environment in real life. However, that's not making it any more fun or easy for us, the players, to care at all about any given system because we can't tell at a glance, in an abstract way, how valuable or specialized any system is.

This isn't helped by the fact that there is currently a weird planet grid, as mentioned in another idea. Even if a star produces cold worlds, we have to go digging and read each individual planet to determine if those worlds are science based or something else. On top of this, flat bonuses on planets don't really matter in ES2, because the population produces all FIDSI simultaneously. There is no switching your population around between FIDSI like in Endless Legend, so the flat FIDSI bonuses aren't "picking up the slack" when your population isn't working a particular FIDSI. Micromanaging your population is just more difficult, for not as obvious of a result.

Unless stars will have an absolute, unbreakable connection with certain planet types (themselves bound to certain FIDS), the only other solution I can think of is to tie the systems FIDS specialization to the stars themselves to make up for the difference.

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8 years ago
Dec 20, 2016, 7:24:24 PM

I really like both parts of this idea. Suns applying an FISDI bonus to their planets makes each system unique and gives you a reason to care what kind of star you settle. Right now, its all about the planets. The type of star affecting the planets that orbit them makes a lot of sense. However, as you said, the wonky planet system will have to be changed for it to make a bit more sense with the temperatures and such. Both of these changes would make the star a much more important part of deciding where you settle, rather than just the planets, which I think is a good thing. 

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8 years ago
Feb 21, 2017, 2:59:33 PM

I like the idea to get more coherents systems, and planets depeding of type of star.

The common yellow star give a balanced system with a good mix of differents planets.

Some specials stars could give :

- system with mostly cold planets

- system with mostly hot planets

- system with mostly dead planets

Endless could have manipulated planets orbitals and constructed also living system with mostly temperate, thundra, mediterranean.

I feel this techs are not enough specialised.

Why a improvement should give a flat +bonus industry indendantly of the planet type ?

You can't exploit a gaz planet the same way of a terran one.

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The WISHLISTED status is given by the dev team to ideas they would like to have in the game.


DEV jhell

status updated 7 years ago

Actually planet generation is weighted by the star type in a system. We might try and take a second look at the weights if you feel the problem is still prevalent in the latest builds.
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Out of Vision

The OUT OF VISION status is given by the dev team to ideas that are not compatible with their vision of the game or technically not feasible.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

As explained by Jhell, the galaxy generator is already weighted to create planets according to star type, but applying FIDSI bonuses on System based on the star type is out of vision for Endless Space 2.

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