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Place Buy Orders


6 years ago
Jan 16, 2019, 3:59:01 AM

Add the ability to place buy orders in the marketplace:

Let's use Titanium as an example, as in my current Cravers game I'm running low on it.

  • Create Buy Order for 20 Titanium at 'x' price (e.g. max 200 dust per unit) which will automatically purchase titanium at this price as it becomes available on the market, potentially beating market activity among AI factions.
  • Alternatively, create buy order for 'x' Titanium at 'y' dust (e.g. 2000 dust for as much titanium as it can buy) which will automatically buy titanium until the committed dust in the buy order is exhausted, potentially beating the AI to a rare resource on the market.

The purpose of this improvement is to beat the AI to buying up rarer resources in the marketplace.

Updated 6 days ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 18, 2019, 3:30:10 PM

Excellent idea!

Obviously, sell orders would be an great addition to this. (selling x amount of resource when the market price reaches y Dust).

Another really nice feature I'd like to see in the game is a multi-turn transaction with the market (buy x Dustidious Trees per turn for y turns). A benefit that I see using multi-turn transactions is fighting inflation of market prices for resources that you plan on buying a lot of.

If the market history shows that you tend to be the only faction buying Dustidious Trees, then buying smaller amounts per turn can stave off large price spikes that occur when you buy in bulk. So if you don't have a pressing need on this turn to buy a large amount of a resource, but know that you will need some later, buying small amounts every turn can keep the overall costs lower especially if someone else sells what your buying during your multi-turn transaction.

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6 years ago
Jan 31, 2019, 4:26:25 PM

I think this would be an excellent addition for both Legend and Space 2, honestly. The market is a great way to use some cash to balance out some resources you're struggling with, so a couple additions to use it a little more effectively would really help utilise it to your best advantage.

And as BeatYourHeadIn suggested, some Buy Over X Turn systems would make it a lot more robust, on top!

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