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HACKING - No more Blackmail vs UC (with a tech)

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6 years ago
Jan 28, 2019, 10:17:27 AM

When an enemy traces you succesfully he can FORCE you into not hacking him for 10 turns. That's a lot of time. As UC you are either game-mechniacs wise and lore wise unrestrained by the species of galaxy. 

With a tech, let's say, of lvl 2-3 diplomacy tree, you can CHOOSE "Refuse blackmail" for a penalty of some maluses that are listed already in-game.


Updated 2 months ago.
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6 years ago
Jan 31, 2019, 10:05:09 AM

This is one aspect of hacking that I really dislike - For one, as you mentioned, why would the UC care at all about being "blackmailed". But why-oh-why does this mechanic continue even when at war? It's WAR for crying out loud. 

Give me a notice that the hack has been repelled and the that node will be more difficult/immune for some turns. Do not give me a diplomatic "demand" of all things - A demand that I somehow must accept even when at war.  

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8 months ago
Jul 8, 2024, 4:39:42 PM

It's cool that there's a tech option in the diplomacy tree to refuse blackmail, even with some penalties. It makes the gameplay more dynamic and gives players more control. On a related note, in real life, dealing with blackmail, especially sextortion, can be very stressful. It's important to stay calm and seek help. Digitalforensics.com offers resources and guidance on how to handle such situations safely and effectively. In-game, choosing ""Refuse blackmail"" might come with some drawbacks, but it can be a strategic move to keep your options open and maintain your power.

Updated 8 months ago.
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