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A new heroes system


6 years ago
Feb 18, 2019, 11:06:29 AM

I find the current heroes system somewhat poorly designed, so a I thought about this remake of it. My vision for new system is simple really:

1) heroes should have a distinct class tied to their political stance, so 6 classes overall

2) all skill should be meanigful picks

3) skills should be usefull regardless if hero is a governor or an admiral

4) hero upkeep only goes up if skillpoints have been distributed - i.e. level itself does not increase upkeep

5) all heroes should have a ship progression througt 3 ship sizes.

Skills and positions

All in all their is two skills subsets - for admiral and for governor, left half and right half. All skills are distributed in those two areas, including racial hero skills. Skills can have more than two levels and each level is adds to an effect not replaces it. Skills have sub-components descibing their effect and then it is applied. Each skill have components some of which are related to hero position.


1) Militarist hero has firepower boosting skill in admiral half of skill pool. Skill has these components:

a) Commanded fleet - +40% firepower on ships

b) Fleets in same system as hero + 20 firepower (work regadless if admiral or governor, does not stack with same skill from other heroes)

c) Empire - ships in all fleets +5% firepower (does stack with other heroes, so 2 militarists will give +10% boost)

2) Militarist hero have skill that deacreases industry cost of military ships (only ships with weapons) has components: 

a) Ships constructed in governed system - -30% reduction in cost

b) Ships constucted in same system - 15% reduction in cost (does not stack)

c) Empire - -5% reduction in cost (stacks)

As you see in the example hero in this system would be usefull regardless of position, benefitting your empire at all times. Racial skills should mostly be in addition to core skills of the class, only replacion skill then absolutely necesary.


In a new system there are 6 classes corresponding to politics. So as not to create new names for classes I will simply reder to them by a policy name.


Uses a powerful warship comparable to fully upraded attacker. 

Admiral skills boost firepower, speed, armor, shields, XP gain, siege efficiency, CP limit, etc.

Governor skills boost military ships and structers production costs (industry and strategic resources), manpower generation and amount, defensive capability of system, Starting XP on built ships and XP gain.

Ship can be uprgraded to cruiser and battleship later in the game.


Uses a science vessel (think Enterprise). Ship is fast and can be cloaked via skill. Mostly useless as admiral - works as solo ship the best.

As admiral has skills boosting probes, speed, provide science points from expored anomalies, can generate science while orbiting special nodes, can place anti-cloaking probes, can salvage destoyed ships for science after battle with small chance of gaining progress towards used techs.

As governor boosts science production, science builging costs and efficiency, boost science gaing from anomalies and unique planetes.

Ship uprages to mediud and large sizes, but operates mostly as a support, using modules that produce science on special nodes and similar stuff.  



Pilots repair barge.

As admiral boosts ships speed, armor, shields, can repair them in combat and out of it.

As governor boost industry relared stuff and strategic resource generation.

Ship upgrades to medium and large sizes. Medium ship has modules allowing retrofits in deep space. Large ship allows to build 1 CP ships. Can also deploy mining probes.


Colonizer type ship. Solo specialist, poor admiral.

As admiral uses ship to colonize new world, with skills and modules allowing non researched types of planetes to be colonized. Kinda like Argosy. 

As governor boosts food and luxury production, speeds up terraforming.

Medium-sized ship allows terraforming non-colonized planets. Large ship allows colonized planets to be terraformed, including non-player owned (Example: comes with an escort to enemy planet, instead of capturing terraforms it to volcanic just for lulz).


Pilots hybrid ship. Fleet commander.

As admiral boosts tactics and morale bonuses of fleet, debuffs enemy (drain shield, emp on weapons, etc.). 

As governor boosts approval and influence, can make planets immune to conversion. Gives boosts against factions with different political systems.

Ship uprages to medium and large sizes. Slot-wise is a attacker/support. Has both weapon slots and hangar slots. 


Diplomatic ship. Ambassador. Work solo, poor admiral.

As admiral boost diplomacy with minor and major factions, can undermine minor faction suzerain status or protect your own status. Can bribe pirate fleet. Can buy out non-colonized planets and outposts. 

As governor mostly boosts dust production and trade, with some approval and influence in the mix. 

Ship uprgades to medium and large sizes. Both serve as trade network node (subsidiary or HQ). 

If you like my system please upvote, if not - just ignore. Constructive comments are welcome. Also I realise it is just a rough concept. 

Update#1: changed ship descriptions to mention sizes not roles, as not to confuse readers.

Update#2: After a while a came to conclusion tht heroes might become way to powerful

with this remake. As compensatory measure I also propose increasing their upkeep and since in new system upkeep only counts then skillpoint have been added, their effectivness and upkeep can be carefully controled, but overally upkeep probably should be way higher. Also in regards to ship size upgrade - it can be tied to academy power level, so you can`t get battleship flying hero through means of powerleveling. Makes sense, more power - more capability to built bigger and better ships.

Updated 5 days ago.
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6 years ago
Mar 28, 2019, 5:31:56 PM

the hero skill is currently quite old i think? or needed an upgrade, its currently a flat bonus type feature, +30 stuff, or +x stuff on x planets similar to buildings.
heros need to be more unique than that. also having effects from politics would be nice too, and no generic skill category and more freedom to choose skills that actually work when you click it. some skills you choose at the time, nah dont need that.

Another annoying aspect is what i mentioned before, +x stuff on system with x thing, such as anolomy or hot/cold etc.
its very annoying to find the best place to put a hero based on this situation, strategy games should be easier desisions with less calulations on paper to decide how to do things.

Ship upgrade , hmm seem other idea about that, overall needs changes though.

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