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Ship Design Improvements: Rebulid/Alert/Find/Derive/Transfigure

Ship DesignGUI

6 years ago
Feb 22, 2019, 3:12:06 PM

When you are working on Ship Designs it would be great if there were a few things you could do:

  1. Rebuild design from ship - We all know the pain of having deleted a design we then can't change ever or rebuild
  2. Alert of deletion of a design when there are still some in your fleets - an "Are you sure...?" sanity check
  3. Find option that not only tells you how many of that ship design you have in your empire, but also can take you to their fleet locations
  4. Derive - It would be amazing to derive a ship design from one you are currently inspecting
    • An example would be I have a Brand12 that I'm looking at and the current is Brand19 - As it is now, I have to either take notes or make iterative changes to the latest model while checking the Brand12 agian and again just to make minor changes to that specific ship or line of ships
    • If there was a "Derive" button that could simply make the latest be the same as the ship you are currently looking at simply as a starting point for changes, that would be lovely!
    • On the flip side, an "Inherit" option could be nice to branch off new versions of ships from others that you like, so you don't have to rebuild them.
  5. Transfigure would be used take one ship you are inspecting and change its design to another existing design -paying to do so just like an upgrade but with additional cost or turns- as long as they are the same class.

I think with a few tweaks like this in the Ship Design section, there could be a lot more fun and a lot less frustration for players who like to play around with many different ships/designs!

Updated 2 months ago.
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