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Trade Routes and Commercial Ship Hulls

Ship DesignTrade CompaniesEconomy

6 years ago
Feb 23, 2019, 1:30:17 AM

There need to be ships dedicated to transporting goods from one planet to the next and one system to the next. Trade Routes would be a great idea. Ship hulls to support Commerce such as Freighter, Ore Carrier, Cruise Ship (to support Tourism),and Container Ships are worth considering. Distinct Trade Routes should be shown on the map as in Civilization V and VI.

Updated 5 days ago.
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6 years ago
Feb 26, 2019, 5:51:12 AM

You can set up trade routes by researching the appropriate technology (Commercial Frameworks is a stage 3 tech in Economy & Trade) and then creating an HQ in one system and then a corresponding Subsidiary on a different system -preferably as far away as possible without going through territory that could disrupt the route.

The routes are shown by clicking the top-middle button (or pressing space bar) when in Galaxy View (if it says Economy Scan zoom out a bit more till it says Trade Scan).

You can see more information and upgrade your trading companies in the Economy Screen > Trade & Resources tab.

But I definitely agree that it would be very cool to be able to update you ships and trade routes so that they either carry more or have some sort of "power" to them to allow them to bypass blockades if their "power" outweighs the blockade's power.

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6 years ago
Mar 28, 2019, 5:34:25 PM
trade routes exist in base game, as more of a non physical implementation, looking at a built strucutre, in multiple systems. (see videovillain above).

I should also note the processing power it would take to handle ships going across routes, with a decent pc i have a hard time doing stuff late game :/.

but what you are saying could be done with ships that transport non global resources across planets like industry or food

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