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6 years ago
May 16, 2019, 4:28:34 PM

An Interesting Idea to improve replay value of the game inspired by community scenarios:

Give the community the ability to do the following:

  •  Custom Galaxy builder
    • Place and connect nodes and systems
    • Place unique planets etc.
    • Faction Spawn points etc.
    • The ability to use self made custom factions.
  • Lock Technologies / buildings / Quests / Planet colonization (faction specific)

Then let them share these scenarios with a Title, short description and Tags to let the community browse for specific challenges for specific factions.

Example Scenarios / Challenges


  • Hivewars - Multiple Craver Queens fighting for dominance
  • The 4 Families - 4 Lumeris factions right next to each other locked to different Senate Parties that have to cooperate against AI. But only one can win...
  • The Hive is Coming - Twin Galaxys; Craver AI on one side with many recources; Multiple empires on one side having to fight for limited recources.
  • Shadow Forces - One Faction against multiple Umbral Choir AIs
  • Heal the Galaxy - one Umbral Choir against a whole alliance of hostile AIs

Imagine the many opportunities for new experiences made by the players that may go on for years.
Even Lore events are easy to make and implement.

Updated 3 days ago.
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6 years ago
May 19, 2019, 11:31:01 PM

Love the idea! Game replay value would increase dramatically. I already have some scenario ideas myself, and creating a galaxy sounds like a lot of fun! :) 

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6 years ago
May 25, 2019, 9:07:26 AM
Benjago wrote:

Love the idea! Game replay value would increase dramatically. I already have some scenario ideas myself, and creating a galaxy sounds like a lot of fun! :) 

Exactly! Especally in the breaks between the big Updates it would keep alot of people playing and interested in the game with no effort from the dev's side once implemented.

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