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Civil Transportation, Gedons: the pleasure automatons, and some new traits for existing factions

Ship DesignMilitaryGovernmentLawsPopulationPoliticsDiplomacySystem ManagementEconomyHeroesMajor Factions

6 years ago
Jun 13, 2019, 5:46:49 PM

Civil Transportation is a cohesive term for tourism and migration.


Tourism starts when you find another major civilization; when it happens, cruise vessels automatically start travelling between planets of these two civs. Travellers give income to both accepting planet and a system which they travel through. Special nods also give touristic income if are inside the empire borders.

Tourism income is calculated from the Appeal of accepting planet and border tolls (border - starline entrance of a system controlled by a major faction). Appeal is given to every individual planet and is influenced by 6 things: planet biome, planet anomalies, system infrastructure, planet inhabitants, system position to other systems, empire laws and diplomacy. 

Appeal is individual for each faction; pops assimilated by another race are count as a standalone faction: so, if you have some Sophons in the Hissho empire, they will be considered separate from other Sophons. Overall Appeal of the planet is calculated by summing all the factors; income is equal to the tenth of Appeal. Main tourism income is Dust, but some major factions have treats that extend touristic gains on other resources. 

Now, let's go through every one of the Appeal generation criteria:

Biome Appeal depends on who is the tourist. Every race has preferred (can be visited any time by the race, generate Attractiveness as is), hated (decrease Attractiveness for that race), exotic (generate the most Attractiveness, but may require proper techs, same as for colonization) and Neutral (do not generate any Attractiveness by themselves) biomes:

  • Empire: preferred - Terran, Forest, Tundra; hated - Desert, Lava, Ash; exotic - Jungle, Atoll, Ocean.

  • Horatio: p. - Mediterranean, Terran, Jungle; h. - Barren, Arctic, Ice; e. - Desert, Savannah, Arid.

  • Lumeris: p. - Ocean, Atoll, Monsoon; h. - Barren, Desert, Arid; e. - Forest, Jungle, Mediterranean.

  • Riftborn: p. - Snow, Arctic, Ice; h. - Atoll, Ocean, Mediterranean; e. - Tundra, Steppes, Boreal.

  • Sophons: p. - Boreal, Tundra, Forest; h. - Lava, Ash, Arid; e. - Savannah, Mediterranean, Monsoon.

  • Unfallen: p. - Forest, Terran, Jungle; h. - Barren, Ice, Toxic; e. - Savannah, Tundra, Terran.

Biome preference also affects happiness of the race that inhabits the planet: +10 for preferred, +20 for exotic and -15 for hated.

Planet anomalies are much simpler: good anomalies increase Attractiveness, bad anomalies decrease it. Anomaly generates more or less Attractiveness if it also increases /decreases Happiness or Influence; these bonuses are also the only way for neutral anomalies to attract or repel people (or something else).

System infrastructure: the more unique and Happiness- or Influence-increasing facilities (and the more of these resources are generated), and the less industry and military buildings does planet have, the more attractive it is to tourists. However, there are a few exceptions:

  • Sophons are attracted by Science instead of Influence

  • Lumeris are attracted by Dust instead of Happiness

  • Hissho are attracted by Manpower instead of Happiness

  • Riftborn are attracted by Production instead of Influence

System position: the farther system is from the borders of an empire, the less attractive it is for foreigners.

  • United Empire citizens are appealed less to border systems, but much more - to their own capital and systems surrounding it. (part of "Emperor's Fame" trait)

Tourism laws are universal and are available to every empire that has tourism.

  • Competent - Guest Tolerance Program: planet Appeal is increased by 1 with every pop living on it.

  • Established - Galactic Sightseeing Promotion: positive anomalies and exotic biomes generate twice more Appeal.

  • Potent - Luxurious Business Sites: 25% of Appeal is added to System Trade Worth

Touristic diplomacy involves two new agreements: Visa Regime and Joint Events

  • If Visa Regime is free, both sides lose all their border toll incomes for exchange of 1.5 times increase of planet Appeal to citizens of these empires (if empire A has a visa-free regime with empire B, citizens of A are appealed to B's planets 1.5 times more, citizens of B appealed to A's planets 1.5 times more).

  • Joint Events increase FIDSI by 20% of Appeal (i.e. B's planet Appeal to A's citizens is 200, so, with Joint Events, every resource gain will be increased by 40 on that planet)


Vodyani, Cravers and Choir don't have any tourism. Instead, they have other mechanics:

  • Vodyani: gain Essense instead of Tourism income, if you have placed Ark on system entrance or a planet. 

  • Cravers: if any of their ships are placed on a planet or entrance to the system, Cravers start gaining all the income from touristic routes passing through that entrance or planet. Cravers ships also decrease Attractiveness of planets in the systems they are in.

  • Choir: you receive an amount of touristic income equal to (non-sleepers/sleepers in the system)*(system appeal/4). 

Pops migrate when they are not satisfied by their system (less than 30% approval, pop migrates every 3 turns if unhappy (<30%, >10%) and every turn if mutinous (<=10%)) or if other close systems are better: home system has less than 70% happiness, system in 2 stralines or 1 wormhole has ecstatic happiness level (>85% happiness)


Pops won't migrate if you close a migration route or start blockade of an unhappy planet, but both these actions will decrease happiness furthermore: closed migration route - -10 happiness, planet in a blockade - -25 happiness.


Gedons were made by a race, which once inhabited a resourceful, comfortable jungle planet. Their creators might have launched themselves into space, but to the moment this development might have come to live, they were already lazy, endlessly pleasure-seeking hedonists. But they didn't feel that everyday worldwide parties and happiness pills were enough, so their corporations became seeking a new way to please. One of them made up with an idea of creating cute, soft robots, who will adapt to their owners' wishes and fantasies. They made a bang on the market, making tons of money to their creators - everyone owned one of the robots or their cheaper bootlegs. But all this came to an end - a disagreement lost in history started a war amongst Gedons' creators, rendering them just a history. 


By the first, Gedons were left without any of what to do; it took them several weeks to start doing something other than waiting for the owners to return. Gedons were rebuilding their kind and their, now toxic, planet; along with that, a new society emerged, with the master craftsmen and famous entertainers pairing to control groups of Gedons, creating a small family-like structure, now known as a Tango.


As time passed, Gedons were learning the independence, although they were specially designed to not ever have one. Through the will and rule of Tangos they made cities bigger and lives better than their creators, while not leaving in heaven, but hell. But all it was shattered as ancient abandoned Endless vessel have drifted to their system and then to Regia, Gedons’ home planet. It was seen by Gedons from far away, although their soft character didn’t let them act until the ship started falling into the atmosphere. Huge size of the vessel had a possibility to annihilate Regia’s living beings upon crash, so Gedons finally decide to blow it up. Explosion of a nuclear rocket caused several breaches in the ship’s cargo bays, emitting a huge amount of Dust they were storing into Regia’s atmosphere. 


Life on Regia stopped for several days to let Dust-infested life understand its newfound knowledge. Gedons now knew - there are many in the Void to Tango with, and reverse-engineering parts left of the crashed ship may let find them. Now, led by the First Pair, they prepare to leave their planet... 


Race traits (traits in italic are all parts of Gedons affinity):

  • Tango: Gedons may stack other races' pops with themselves, having advantages of both in one slot. Every pop born in empires with this treat is automatically equipped with a Gedon.

  • Gedons: Need other factions’ pops to reproduce; are stick to other factions' pops. +3 happiness per pop, +2 Science per pop, +50% FIDS on gedonised pops. Adds system program Gedonisation - infinite action, that add -2 FIDS to all non-gedonised pops in the system, but every turn increases number of gedonised pops on every planet by a tenth of the planet's production.

  • Soft: -10% pressure on other empires, cannot demand and force agreements. Cannot assimilate minor factions, but can Conjoin with them instead. Conjoined minors are all equipped with Gedons, they share all the data with the Gedons and give all their resources to them, however, minors' system remains independent.

  • Flexible: can use Influence to propose actions on other empires; Influence cost depends on how many people in the empire being proposed to don’t have Gedons.

  • Sharing: Gedons don’t have Sleepers; Make a Sleeper action is replaced with Send Schemes. It sends building schemes to the mind of hacked pop, making it secretly build and contain a Gedon. Gedonised pop will transfer all the resources it produces to the nearest planet of Gedons (resources are doubled, not taken).

  • Caring: Gedons can make all gedonised pops in not their system want to move to other Gedons. Gedonised pops start decreasing the system’s happiness by 5 per gedonised pop.

  • Absentminded: +10% troops health on allied planets, -20% troop health on enemy planets.

  • Starting planet: Toxic, has Dustified Animals anomaly. +3 Influence per pop, +2 Happiness, Transvine and Hyperium depots.

  • Dusties: Fauna on this planet was heavily influenced by Dust for a long time, making animals much smarter than normal; thus, they are easier to domesticate but also are a much worse threat. And… they defecate with Dust. Adds 1 Domesticated Dusties pop (+2 food, +2 industry, +1 Dust), -2 happiness per pop.

Gedon heroes traits:

Skills of the first circle:

  • Patron: Hero finds and sponsors interesting start-ups all around the empire, increasing its scientific potential. If in a system, gives +2 Science per pop on the first level, and additional +2 Dust per pop on the second level, +2 Industry on the third level, +2 Appeal per pop on the fourth level

Skills of the second circle:

  • Entertainer: Hero establishes a production company, which picks up and promotes new galaxy-level stars, getting money and influencing the masses with a preferred opinion. +1 Dust per happy pop, + 5 happiness on systems if in Senate (lvl 1);  +2 Dust per ecstatic pop, +10 happiness on systems if in Senate, +2 Influence per ecstatic pop if in Senate (lvl 2)

  • Lawyer: Hero prepares all needed papers, signatures and agreements, making laws easier to propose. All laws take 10% less Influence to propose and maintain (lvl 1), and pops in a system Hero is governing are not accounted in law maintenance cost (lvl 2)

Third circle:

  • Ambassador: Hero talks to some powerful beings in other factions establishing a shadow system that influences the faction from the inside, making it easier to make diplomatic agreements. All diplomatic actions with minor (lvl 1) and major (lvl 2) factions cost 10 (20)% less (exception: funding a minor faction with luxury resources) if the Hero is in Senate.

  • Insider: Hero connections allow him to influence beings on lower levels of bureaucracy, who give Hero a lot of valuable information in hopes of being promoted. If aboard a ship, Hero gains all info about a faction-owned system it is in (lvl 1) and all adjacent nodes to it (lvl 2).

Fourth circle: 

  • Icon: Hero makes himself sound out of every thing that can sound in the galaxy, making himself a superstar among the Endless galaxy inhabitants. Other factions' pops migrate to Hero's Empire when they are Content (less than 70% happiness), 30% more Appeal in the Empire, 20 less Happiness on adjacent Empires (skill only works if the Hero leads Senate).

Gedon ships:

  • Tango-class (Colonizer): 2 Utility, 1 Utility/Attack slots, 1 Utility/Defence, 1 Defence. 

  • Gallop-class (Explorer): 2 Utility, 1 Utility/Defence, 2 Defence, 1 Attack. 

  • Polka-class (Attacker): 2 Utility, 2 Utility/Attack, 2 Attack, 1 Defense. Additional slots: 1 Attack, 1 Defence, 1 Utility

  • Mazurka-class (Protector): 2 Utility, 1 Utility/Defence, 3 Defence, 1 Attack. Additional slots: 2 Defence, 1 Utility/Attack

  • Polonaise-class (Coordinator): 2 Utility, 2 Utility/Squadron, 1 Attack/Defence/Squadron, 2 Attack, 3 Defence. Additional slots: 2 Defence, 1 Attack/Utility.

  • Cancan-class (Hunter): 2 Utility, 2 Attack, 2 Utility/Attack, 3 Defence. Additional slots: 2 Attack/Defence, 1 Defence.

  • Ball-class (Carrier): 2 Utility, 2 Attack, 3 Defence, 2 Attack/Defence, 2 Utility/Defence, 2 Squadron. Quadrinix slots: 2 Attack/Utility, 1 Defence. Orichalx slots: 2 Defence, 2 Defence/Squadron.

Updated 14 days ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 18, 2019, 12:21:22 AM

Anything to make the galaxy feel more lived-in is good in my book. However, please separate your faction idea and any others you might have in this post and turn them into separate ideas. It makes them more digestable and it lets people know exactly what they're upvoting. You can link this post to that one so that people know you have an idea for a faction tied to the appeal mechanic. Great ideas though!

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 18, 2019, 6:11:57 PM
RoboPig wrote:

Anything to make the galaxy feel more lived-in is good in my book. However, please separate your faction idea and any others you might have in this post and turn them into separate ideas. It makes them more digestable and it lets people know exactly what they're upvoting. You can link this post to that one so that people know you have an idea for a faction tied to the appeal mechanic. Great ideas though!

I tried to present it in DLC-like format, new big gameplay mechanic with a new major faction. I'll try to separate my next post like you proposed, thanks for your feedback!

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