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[Suggestion]: Option to let your fleets patrol between systems

Space BattlesShip DesignMilitaryResearchSystem Management

6 years ago
Jun 24, 2019, 3:26:52 PM

You can already do this manually, but it gets really tedious. Why not add a technology or maybe a module with which you can let your fleets patrol between certain systems? You could use this to secure certain areas by patrolling multiple possible access points to a system you plan to colonize. Or maybe you just wanna know when ships pass through certain systems and you only have a limited number of ships.

And it would look pretty cool if your fleets do something automatically and you have a bunch of patrols flying around on their own. Maybe even add an option that they automatically attack every hostile fleet they encounter.

Updated 2 months ago.
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6 years ago
Jun 30, 2019, 2:56:20 AM

I believe, if this is an option, turn time needs to be ascertained for them to utilize on one system. Perhaps, there should be a five turn lock stopping them before they move on to the next point. 

As another idea, auto-retrofitting with appropriate dust whenever it returns to a system could be implemented as well with a toggle-able option to patrol with or without. 

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