The text theming for the Sophons is interesting. The mechanics supporting it could use some more flavour.
This proposal is to have each Sophon system have, when it is established, a randomly chosen theme that its people would like to research, giving that system a moderately expensive "Sophon Advanced Society" project (equivalent to terraforming a planet 3 levels) that when completed would add a small extra Sophon population trait for just that system. This should never amount to more than a quarter of another main faction's general trait, and most of them should also override the science political leaning, allowing a Sophon Empire the (very fiddly) chance to steer its government. They also may create a slight drawback (that should usually be smaller in effect than the positive result, but which certain players may not want). The Advanced Society project for a given system should remain static for that system for the entire game (anyone who doesn't want what it does to a given system should just not build it there).
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