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Asteroid belt in the star system

ExplorationGalaxy Generation

6 years ago
Aug 20, 2019, 7:34:55 PM

In EU 1, in addition to planets, there were asteroid belts in systems. Why not add them to ES2? One could come up with unique features that make them different from the planets and own them was interesting.

Updated a month ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 22, 2019, 3:08:19 PM

could be nice to be able to mine asteroids in it to get some rare ressources

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6 years ago
Aug 23, 2019, 11:21:36 AM

Still dreaming of void ecology that lives in asteroid belts so yea that would be a big plus.

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6 years ago
Sep 11, 2019, 6:52:25 PM

Now that we have destroyed planets which we can un-destroy into Lava planets...

These ideas could be rolled together. Asteroid Belts get seeded as a rare planet type - can be engineered by Behemoths into a barren planet the way a destroyed planet is engineered into a Lava planet.

Add some system improvements that give industry or science for asteroid belts. (Asteroid belts obviously have to take the place of telluric planets but I don't think this matters since the gas and telluric planets are jumbled together and don't follow RL physics anyway.) Have a couple different types of asteroid belts that give different bonuses when "mined."

From a design standpoint, something in between a gas planet and the way moons are implemented, with a late game option to create a tiny/small/medium barren planet. I suppose you could have very large asteroid belts, but that doesn't make sense because they would have formed into a planet if they had that much mass.

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