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The rejection of the "gifts of the Academy"

AcademyHeroesMajor FactionsFactions

6 years ago
Aug 22, 2019, 4:12:01 AM

In ES2 at the moment quite a lot of large fractions.
Some are imprisoned in the war,others are just born pacifists,others are almost entirely occupied only with science,you can list for a long time .
But there is something that connects them regardless of their preferences.
Once in a certain number of moves the Academy offers to choose one of 3 random heroes already randomly selected from the General set,for service in the Empire of the player.
The problem is that these characters don't always fit the style of play a specific faction,or just somewhere to attach without loss of efficiency.
So please add one very important button to the selection menu.
Rejection of the entire proposed set.
Of course,this should not give a new set of heroes of the Academy to choose from(at least to wait half the time from manifestation of the previous pool(say the first set of heroes have given 30 course,so for extra suggestions in case of failure need at least 15 moves ).
I hope that this will add,for sometimes so much extra character,or nowhere to put,or simply is inefficient to apply in a given situation.

Updated 3 days ago.
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6 years ago
Aug 24, 2019, 2:34:51 PM

I think you can sell unneeded heroes aren't you? You should be able to sell them at Hero screen.

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