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Ambassador Heroes


6 years ago
Aug 28, 2019, 5:07:30 AM

Playing certain factions, you often find yourself with redundant heroes- particularly diplomacy oriented factions who rarely engage in combat or have very few systems to govern (the Umbral Choir comes to mind).

So my thought was that you could give players the options to assign one or more heroes to laiase with other empires on your behalf as ambassadors.

As to how it would work, my thought was that assigning a hero as an ambassador to a given empire would provide incrementally increasing bonuses to diplomatic pressure, reduce the cost of diplomatic actions, increase the benefits of treaties, and unlock certain special actions over time (IE: improving a given empire's attitude towards yours)- improving based on the hero's level and the length of time they'd been assigned.

Updated 2 months ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 8, 2019, 6:06:22 AM

So tight connected partnership of players would be difficoult (less to programm, more to balance and integrate into AI), but if they do the empire should mostly just pay for it a customizable amount of whatever resource (diplomatic pressure and cost for diplomatic actions seem also reasonable but more as an adition).

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