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Ideas for new major factions

PopulationHeroesMajor FactionsFactions

6 years ago
Sep 7, 2019, 2:49:41 PM

(previous title:) Just two major factions that I thought up for fun, but I would be happy if you drew some inspiration from them

One is a religious faction with the goal to get the whole galaxy to theire belive that plays very wide using the saints and sinners law where they get as bonus a fixed 70 instead of 50 (probably as collection bonus) and are mainly just using some improved versions of standart mechanics.
The other is an industrial faction that fleed from their dying galaxy that was very far developed but the leader of a very mighty cooperation (cooperations where what ruled their galaxy) had to leave everything besides his new world ship and some volunteers behind when leaving due to bureaucracy. That leaders is character issimmilar to Dominik Havanen. The special thing about this faction is that they live on those world ships like the Vodyani on the Arks but behave quite differently (this faction originated as a how to do Ship Bound in better or more realistic)

So above was the "short" version, now onto the detailed version:

Based on what I actually wanted to achive with my custom faction: Soraten (makes more sense in german, for english rather: Sorats) is the religious faction, especially since I've felt that only having Vodyani as religious faction (at that time), who behaved the weirdest from all factions isn't really acceptable if I want to go for saints and sinners.
As they're based on expansion, they should be good at all 3 ways to do that, they should have cheaper ships that have little health to represent the idea of them being build from scrap lying around and started as soon as they could fly to fullfill their holy mission with little regard to their own life. For the colonisation part I'd want them to either have a module for colonizesr that can transport some of the required food already with them or the ability that their food transporting civil ships cant be stoped (neither by war nor by blockade or at most only for one turn). For the most specialized and thematic part: conversion of systems, I'd want them to either at least have an ability to faster gain ownership like the unfallen or preferably the ability to build a sphere of influence even while not having full ownersip over a system (I like the thought of that being the final collection bonus). As for war and forcefully gaining sytems they'd just have the cheaper ships and more units for ground battles.

The huge drawback for all this wide playing is that they are really bad at developing their systems beyond the first few buildings and get a ?% efficiency drawback on industry used on system development while gaining a low increase for food.

They get some special influence system upgrades.

The population is Religious with gaining religious from both militaristic and peacefull events, they give one or preferred two influece per population and their collection could be: religious +, +20 Happiness on systems with them or on all if saints & sinners is active, sphere of influence grows even if not full ownership.

The starting governmet type should be Federation (as it increases initial system limit with heroes before unlocking saints & sinners and has also a thematic fitting lower luxury resource need)

For the heroes, they are better as governors with an main focus on influence and minor on food and industry, they have an early(er) ability that gives 2 influence per population and as final ability 1% (or more) on influence per level, the food and insutry abilities work also per population and the fleet abilities should scale on fleet size and if possible there should be a speed increase somewhere (fits the theme).

flavour backrgound: home planet has rough mountains where they live and meditate (Terran), they think as them individualy as nothing special and they exist only to spread their belive without needs for personal posessions. Human apperacne (they come from human race after all, like UE and Horatio also seem to do). Even their heroes are humble and see themself as one of many.

As for the more special faction, it has no name yet as I couldn't try to make anything like that with custom factions.

It's own version of an Arc is based on the Arkology from Andromeda, it's a giant tube that constantly rotates to generate fake gravity, it's way bigger than Arkology though, has a hole in the middle (important for later upgrades) and has strong thrusters on the back, unlike the Vodyani Ark those World Ships don't need any planets to function and even produce while traveling to other places. The population on a World Ship is limited by System Upgrades (System Upgrades require Multipurpose ships and industry provided by them) as on lv 1 it only has 1 ring, on lv 2 it gains an inner ring (low population but has Low Gravity Anomaly due to the way fake gravitation works), on lv 3 it gains an outer ring (more population but has the High Gravity Anomaly due to the way fake gravitation works) and lv 4 doubles the length of the tube so that population is also doubled (if it ends up uneven, then it less than doubles population per ring), ater every upgrade the apperance changes for space battle(minimal) and new module spaces get unlocked and once on lv 4 there can special super modules be installed that fill the hole in the middle.

Instead of colonizers they have multypurpose work ships that can, while in a fixed orbit, rather material from systems or special nodes that have harvestable material (example: from asteroids, but not from black holes, or needing an upgrade for that) without that the industry would get about minus 90-100%, gather special resources: strategic and luxury resources when unlocked and to build or repair world ships, they can also help speeding up the production of ships when world ship is at full health. There're two modules: one for robot arms and tools to build (ship + world ship) and one for gathering with storage and gathering units wether they be organic or mechanic (for industry and special resources).

Trade also only works while stationary.

As for hacking: they can't do the hacking while flying, but if they get hacked, it counts as success when it raches the node the world ship was at the beginning of the hacking.

When assimilating a minor faction, the system will become depopulated and a World Ship is launched instead.

The first World Ship has already some upgrades and you start with two multipurpose ships (different modules) and one explorer.

When beaten in a space battle, no ground battle is needed and you can instantly decide on what to do. If equiped with Boarding pods and/or invisible (depends on what's unlocked by DLC) you can start an invasion leading to ground battles (only needed to start and not able to move World Ship durin one).

When beaten by either way, the possibilities are: taking population for own system (tribute for Vodyani), destroy upgrades to get resources, destroy World Ship, crush World Ship into one planet of orbiting system to colonize using it's population.

Many tecnologies slightly changed to fit the theme.

When hit by attack during space battle, the happiness decreases strongly and all fidsi are strongly reduced, normalizing slowly over the next rounds (how long and how much depend on damage and can stack over multiple battles, cap at 100% reduction and 10 turns).

Super modules: Construction bay (increases ship production greatly), Super Engine module (a gigand thruster that increases speed very much, about 10 at least, can be used to transport fleets, stops production while moving due to high speed and vibrations), Shield Drone Array (deployes special drones during battle that protect the fleet with an very long lasting and high damage absorbing shield, World Ship can't take damage while drones are up, also works against projectile weapons, probably unlocked with citadel upgrade), Harvest module (can get full efficiency industry on every node without multipurpose ships and gives 20% on top), Transport module (can gather special resources at full efficiency from systems without multipurpose ships and gives 50% on top), Planet Crusher module (destroyes planets in only two turns but deactivates production for that time), Obliberation module (works as Obliberator, deaktivates production for 5 turns = minimum cooldown, unlocked with either of the Obliberator upgrades), Supercanon module (It's Ion wave for World Ships, destroyes every ship that's not in the same fleet on that node, two turns cooldown + deactivates production, unlockes with either upgrade for Battleship), A special version of the cloaking modules that cost a lot more but are the only way to hide World Ships.

Very important is also that those Super modules aditionally take up que and block it either for a minimum amount of time or until enough industry was provided, but multipurpose ships are also necessary and can speed up the industry part.

The population has at least 2 industry, 1 science and 1 dust, but rather 3 industry, 2 science and 1 dust or the 2 on fidsi. They are industrial, anti-ecologists and gain science from militaristic events. The collections are: industry +, + 20 % industry on systems with them, -10 cost for special resources

Start with Dictatorship as governmental type (as they're led by their boss who owns the company)

The heroes are great for industry (otherwise unspecified due to me not beng able to test this faction balancing wise), starting heroe is the faction leader after he'd carelessly played around with dust, his starting abilities should increase industry and discovery (speed, probes or vision)

They're special in the way that they have no fixed starting planet, they tend to stard at a very edge of the galaxy and have the research for free movement already unlocked due to faction affinity.

flavour background: definitley not human probably not even resembling humanoid creatures, They once were a civilisation of great technological progress, probably even rivaling the endless themselfes, though most of it was lost, they're still far ahead of the other factions of this new galaxy. Still they're unfamilliar with some resources of said galaxy, especially dust is new with vast potential, but they really struggel without theire go to materials and have to relearn things. Back at home, their galaxy had to live between another few hunderets and thousands of years before every living would become impossible. Still most wouldn't want to take the risk and leave or let others leave with important resources despite most parts of the galaxy already being to dangerous to survive a few seconds around them. One brave and successful buissnesman hoever build a ship and was allowed to leave using all of his revenues. He took lots of volunteers under contract and went in the direction of a hopefully reachable galaxy. After a long jurney through the empty and dark space they finally reached the outher parts of a galaxy, it was the endlesses galaxy. Now determained to never let the same thing happen again, the new company policy said to not settle on planets and just use them for recources so that they can take everything with them when the time to evacuate comes again, and it surely will come.

edit: Yes I was forced to get this out now due to the new race having more simmilarities with my Sorats (or originally Soraten) then I'd like but it'd be still nice to have a more "normal" religious faction, I mean come on, relics, that interferes with the playstyle very hard again (or I'll find out it doesn't and look very stupid)

Updated 19 days ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 27, 2019, 9:16:07 AM

  When you look at other faction already there, you will find they are really unique: depletion, gene hunter, hack, influence buyout, etc.. So eventhough your factions is different, they are not different enough to give players a grand new exprience.

  I have a better idea for the new religious faction: cultists. (You shall better know my thought if you have played Endless Legend.) Rather than noble worriors who always willing to spread their faith and fight to death for the endless (it is too Vodyani), they are a group of cultists that make use of aliens -- in the name of faith. Here is my basic ideas: their ships can take "missionary" support module, and after using this module in colonized systems not belongs to you, a "church" will be built in this system. Church will convert the citizens there into cultists believers in a certain speed, and those believers will of course give some benifits to the cultists. Also cultists can bulit--or buy improvements for the church to get other effect. The church can be also benificial to the system owner--or harmful--depends on further design. (also system owner should be able to destroy the church if it is harmful to him!) So it is different, right?

 Since Amplitude can bring Vaulters in both Endless Legend and Endless Space, it also make sence taking cultists and their queen into the space.

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5 years ago
Oct 2, 2019, 12:57:18 PM

Interesting idea but my custom faction was never supposed to be good, it's rather blank so the player could choose (besides still being crazy fanatics), for example I've thought numerous times about rephrasing the decision for the academy quest line into rescueing the true gods or destroying the false gods (that's where the true belife part in my  description comes from.)

The only real fokus that should remain were supposed to be playing wide and being good at influecian conversion (very fitting for a religious faction).

Still they should see themself as good and in the right no matter if they really are knights in shiny armor or messed up murderers (yes that last part's a description of the Vodyani but they can easily be even crueler, that'd be no problem for me, it just has to fit the religious fanatism, one of the best example for such are witch trials).

edit1: ps the Nakalim probably overlap with the influece part a bit to much now due to their temples (but it's a better base for the custom faction that I actually play with then the Vaulters portals that I only used for convenience due to the large empires as faction affinity, race is still best with Horatio and his modular but weak ships and the food & influence heroes)

edit2: also I've wanted it to be a more moderate faction that changes not to much about the base game and only gets some boni like Sophons or Unitet Empire, so not being to uniqe wouldn't bother me as that itself is special in this game (Lumeris, Horatio and Cravers are also not to far off, but already a bit more special, the rest's already to far from base game)

Updated 5 years ago.
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5 years ago
Oct 2, 2019, 1:10:43 PM
Bigben wrote:

  When you look at other faction already there, you will find they are really unique: depletion, gene hunter, hack, influence buyout, etc.. So eventhough your factions is different, they are not different enough to give players a grand new exprience.

  I have a better idea for the new religious faction: cultists. (You shall better know my thought if you have played Endless Legend.) Rather than noble worriors who always willing to spread their faith and fight to death for the endless (it is too Vodyani), they are a group of cultists that make use of aliens -- in the name of faith. Here is my basic ideas: their ships can take "missionary" support module, and after using this module in colonized systems not belongs to you, a "church" will be built in this system. Church will convert the citizens there into cultists believers in a certain speed, and those believers will of course give some benifits to the cultists. Also cultists can bulit--or buy improvements for the church to get other effect. The church can be also benificial to the system owner--or harmful--depends on further design. (also system owner should be able to destroy the church if it is harmful to him!) So it is different, right?

 Since Amplitude can bring Vaulters in both Endless Legend and Endless Space, it also make sence taking cultists and their queen into the space.

also thank you for checking out my ideas and sharing your thoughts on it

edit1: ps I've "played" Endless Legends in the sense that I've tried, failed and pretty much droped it after buying the Amplitude complete package (Endless Universe Collection)...

Updated 5 years ago.
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