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Selecting Skins per Ship

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6 years ago
Sep 10, 2019, 12:38:55 AM

Theres an alternate skin for United Empire in the game representing a sub-faction within the Empire. This is neat. Could we get more skins for factions? Maybe even be able to select them on a per-ship design basis. (ex. create a Scout-class ship with the Mezarin skin, instead of having to apply the skin to the entire faction). Maybe do the same thing for Hero Ships, individually selecting which skin a particular hero uses.

Updated 2 days ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 10, 2019, 3:26:06 PM

About skins I know that Amplitude doesn't want to make any for DLC factions because they don't want free content behind a pay wall. About the change skin during a game, they said that changing ship model wasn't possible during a game so there could be simmilar problems with skins, but even if not, that would be a bit unfair and could confuse human players as to who did attack them and such. Lastely for the more skins, I like the idea on one side and on the other the knowledge that Vaulters, Hissho, Umbral Choir and Nakalim wont get any would make it even more unfair that the standart factions would get multiple skins...

Updated 6 years ago.
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6 years ago
Sep 11, 2019, 1:08:25 AM

Yeah, I just picked up the game so I figure my suggestion isnt anything new. I'm just a sucker for customization and really making the faction my own, you know? I totally get where you're coming from. I hadn't considered the fact new skins would be inaccessable to players that didn't have the DLC. That's probably something better implimented from the beginning rather than post-launch. Good on Amplitude for not wanting to make people pay for what they would consider free content. I guess I'm a little jaded and would have expected new skin content to be paid.

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6 years ago
Sep 11, 2019, 11:24:41 AM

That's something great about this game and Amplitude in general. Low cost big gain and lots of great free content, especially as rewards for active community.

edit1: Belive me I know hoh to waste money on bad DLCs and the worst here's aditional sound that was basically free when buying as package but I wouldn't mind buying it to show my support, but they're still cheap and add a little flavour, the rest's really great. Also I need some support for my own ideas so I'd be happy if you'd give them a look. (I just want that Amplitude aslo sees them, they don't even have to make them reality)

edit 2: https://www.games2gether.com/profile/raffelon/contents/ideas (sorry about my self adverticement)

Updated 6 years ago.
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