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Passive Anti-Cloaking (Making UC more challenging)

Ship DesignResearchFactions

6 years ago
Sep 15, 2019, 5:44:45 PM

I would like to suggest making all anti-cloaking tech giving (the corresponding level) passive anti-cloaking ability to all ships.

There is a simple reason for this: The Umbral Choir is way too easy!  The AI can never detect you. Ever.
I played a lot of games with the UC (all with Endless difficulty) and I never had to build a single military ship against the AI in order to win. I only needed military ships against pirates because they have (surprise, surprise!) passive anti-cloaking.

At best, the AI can detect ONE level 1 sanctuary out of 20-30. They can never detect my home system. I never had to migrate a home system. Which means a very important racial mechanic remains completely unused.

I get the fact that even the Endless difficulty is quite easy for experienced players. But with the UC, it's outright boring. Just spam-clicking end turn until I get the science/economic victory. Nothing is ever a threat.

The anti-cloaking tech is already more difficult to get compared to cloaking (which makes sense). But being required to build a module to detect stuff is too much for the AI. They never do it.

I don't think this would weaken the UC in multiplayer. Because players can already figure out where the UC is with a little map awareness. (Seeing a minor faction suddenly dissapear or a part of galaxy being too empty etc.) After that, spending a single module on a single ship is not a problem for players. Hence, removing the neccesity to use that module wouldn't visibly (ba-dum-tıss!) empower them either. :)

Updated a month ago.
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5 years ago
Sep 26, 2019, 4:47:12 PM

With now only heroes being able to speed up fleets it actually does have an impact if I have to sacrifice one spot to anti cloak and now the AI with the academy main attack fleet also uses it's anti cloack so there's at least a bit more difficulty (no flying into a system with an anti cloak probe), but I admit, it's not that much, still not having an anti cloak ship on my atack fleet made me have to wait and guard at a special node wehere I knew had to be the UC for multiple turns (until I finally decided it was worth building said ship) on multiple occations and it's the only defense of poor UC, they can't do much if found early.

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