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More options for hero selection


8 years ago
Jan 2, 2017, 10:07:30 PM

Sometimes, when the academy has a new hero for me, they aren't what I'm looking for! If I won't assign them to something, they gonna annoy me once every turn.

In such a case, I would like to reject/reshuffle all heroes from the academy.  

Or/and add an option to delete/sell/trade allready recruited heroes.

Or add a sleep-mode for heroes.

Updated 2 days ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

We have rebalanced the marketplace to offer a considerable number of heroes to allow players more choice in which heroes they employ, as well as the option to sell heroes.


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7 years ago
Mar 8, 2018, 10:06:00 AM

the trade or selling option is really good, i know i would be willing to trade a few small systems for a good supervisor

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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV The-Cat-o-Nine-Tales

status updated 6 years ago

We have rebalanced the marketplace to offer a considerable number of heroes to allow players more choice in which heroes they employ, as well as the option to sell heroes.

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7 years ago
Aug 8, 2018, 8:03:44 PM

Sounds good.
I found a small solution to this.
If i need a system focused hero and i get combat, i just assign him and siege minor factions, if seeker then his movement bonus is great to scout and discover curiosities on enemy territory.
Obviously it does not work always, but sometimes is already something. And your idea would be perfect time when it does not go as intended :D

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7 years ago
Apr 4, 2018, 2:04:46 PM

It would also be nice if rejected Academy heroes came back somehow. Maybe add them to the Marketplace, but for a higher price (5-15k). 

I would rather pay more and see more heroes in the marketplace, than just rarely one hero for only 1,2k.

(Was it Endless Legend or Endless Space where there were multiple heroes in a marketplace, and they left that place after so many turns? That was more exciting.)

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 30, 2018, 8:25:59 PM

I would love a reshuffling option!

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7 years ago
Mar 21, 2018, 7:38:28 PM

MORE SO, I have never found the actual Academy to be interactive in any way other than finding it. This "reshuffling" could be done by sending faction leaders there to negotiate. Perhaps by actually VISITING the Academy can factions set the flavor of hero they would like sent in the future, regardless of how the empire plays. Like companies visting schools and demonstrating to students why they should get hired by them in the future.

Updated 7 years ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 21, 2018, 7:34:29 PM

Under high pressure diplomatic negotiations with factions, you can "ban" a hero of theirs, effectivly kiddnapping them. Alongside that, they could perhapd trade heroes, like how football players trade off to teams every season. Hell, Id kill for a hero to betray me if I dont follow their governing stance (p, m, r, e, d...)

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8 years ago
Jan 3, 2017, 8:52:30 AM

Actually if you don't assign a hero, I think you don't pay upkeep, but there's a message bothering you every turn...

Anyway good suggestion.

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Must have

The MUST HAVE status is given by the dev team to ideas they would really like to have in the game.

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8 years ago
Jun 2, 2017, 11:58:01 AM

As a sidenote, I would also love to have the option to choose a racially appropriate starting hero during faction creation. I feel like the differences in classes are big enough to warrant it.

If you haven't already create such an idea, you definetly should!  Or can I already up-vote this idea? ^^

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8 years ago
May 23, 2017, 7:04:07 PM

I think an option can be made to let players to spend influence and Dust to "reject and request", throw back all provided hero options and ask Academy to send them heros of specific type or/and faction, like "give me guardians" or "give me UE heros". I think it will be more balanced if players are only allowed to make one kind of request at a time, as making two requests at the sametime can easily result in the specific hero players want, and can be pretty OP if exploited.

Another option is to spend influence to "convert" hero points, like changing the points toward guardian to seeker. Currently I'm a techno-industrialist type player so I've always get overseers and guardians, but I always yawn for Klev, that Vodyani seeker who can let my fleet literally "get to the other end of a large galaxy within 2 turns" while still very capable at fighting, arguably the best seeker or even admiral at this version (Varb and "cubed" can slam down Klev in battle for sure, but these two will be constantly outmaneuvered by Klev if player is clever enough), so maybe I can spend a mountain of influence to convert my overseer points to seeker points to have a shot to get her.

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8 years ago
Feb 17, 2017, 7:32:46 AM

I like the idea of being able to re-roll hero selection, as well as having an initial choice for your beginning racial hero (and that this starter hero thing will be a very important thing once we can build custom factions).  Just throwing my two cents in, for what it's worth. 

As an added idea: what if, during custom faction creation, we could buy traits that allow us to 'weigh' the chance to produce a certain species or class of hero? Something like "Segregationist" (More likely to get your race's heroes), or "Meritocratic" (More likely to get not-of-your-race; probably not the best word for it, though); "Battle hungry" (More likely to get Heroes good at leading fleets), "Economically Minded" (More likely to get Heroes good at leading planets).  The options wouldn't be completely one-or-the-other, it would just weigh the random numbers to favor a certain set over another. 

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8 years ago
Jan 29, 2017, 3:01:44 PM

Oh I like that idea, giving us the option to mulligan or actively influence(through resources) the the type of hero the academy is likely to send you beforehand would be nice. 

Right now the Hero selection system isn't something you can really control depending on your circumstances. In my last game I ended up isolated in a separated constellation without any lanes connecting me to the outside world, with 4 minor factions that were all jamming out pirates with nothing to do other than clog up my fledgling empire. I spent the first 60 turns mowing down their fleets over and over again and as a result my first four hero choices were nothing but guardians, a handfull of overseers and one seeker. I would've loved to have gotten a counselor during that but there was no real way for me to achieve the required goals because I was so isolated.

I get that having to choose between imperfect options is part of the fun and it keeps the game interesting and fun to replay, but right now it feels a bit too out of control.

As a sidenote, I would also love to have the option to choose a racially appropriate starting hero during faction creation. I feel like the differences in classes are big enough to warrant it.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 7:07:30 AM

I think it would be good to at least be able to pay some resource to re-roll.  Same political type (as it expected mechanically), but potentially different characteristics.

Nothing worse than getting a bunch of heroes that won't fit anywhere.

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8 years ago
Jan 5, 2017, 2:37:18 AM

Reshuffle suggested heroes using Dust is more consistent. Can't blame bad luck twice.

Updated 8 years ago.
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