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Customized Government and Cabinet-Political Panel.


8 years ago
Jan 3, 2017, 1:05:22 PM

{edited} What if we could make dictatorships or any other type of government with customized traits like a scientific dictatorship or militaristic republics witch results in helping the player in order to get his ideal play-style. 

Here is what I suggest:

type of governmentDictatorshipMonarchyOligarchyFederationRepublicDemocracy

What preferenceMilitary-Scientific-ReligiousMilitary-IndustrialistScientific-
you know

note:One Land
One Ruler
Senate chooses
the Ruler
some people
of every system

The President and the senate is chosen by direct vote
and laws can be vetoed by President 
Just Senate

It's sci-fi so there could be all kinds of government for example: having Direct Democracy witch citizens vote for laws themselves.

The other thing I like be have: Prime-Ministers, Chancellors or Presidents with cabinets which is appointed by the player or the major political party in the Senate and I would definitely like a Shadow Cabinet for the 2nd largest party(opposition) so you don't loose all their sweet Traits(50-75% of the trait maybe)  and more political options. and a 

detailed panel about the growing parties and the effects of player's actions in the game.

and ongoing events that boosted or decreases the production,etc.

Updated a month ago.
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7 years ago
Mar 8, 2018, 6:06:00 PM

i love this idea, allows for very dynamic gameplay, so if you were tied more to one population you could reform government, and even push for this in specific situations.  I feel a purge option would be necessary with this though.

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7 years ago
Mar 11, 2018, 3:12:00 AM

I would love to have 2-3 more government types. Maybe something a bit more unusual. Governments themselves need a bit more depth and care IMO.  Hopefully they can make them a bit more interesting in the future.

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7 years ago
Mar 13, 2018, 12:04:16 PM

Just copy pasta some Stellaris gov types to further fuel your vision. Dystopia, robocracy and such... good stuff.

It would be a balancing menace though.

Updated 7 years ago.
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