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Post battle events


8 years ago
Jan 16, 2017, 10:10:57 PM

would it be possible that 

after a certain battle happens, maybe even ground battle, that an empire gets an event.

for example if vodyani beat sophon fleet , utterly destroy it, alexandrian victory,everyone is amazed

 an event pops up which gives you +5% happines or some military buff ,nothing big tho

(loser could get a negative event aswell perhaps)

also those events could let you choose between 2 bonuses , or 3 even

and lastly they shouldnt be something that happens often, but lets say fairly rarely and  some could be  or perhaps all of them could be , tied to specific factions so that different factions get some flavor there too , aswell as having some generic ones. just throwing combinations there, i am sure thats very apparent that you can play with them however you see fit

alternatevely they could be events which are integrated with every after action report of the battle, with even far less bonuses 

Updated 11 days ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 17, 2017, 8:25:43 AM

The problem I see with this, is that if you integrate it with every report, or even if you try to make it rare, AI seems to have a bad habit (especially the pirates) of starting 6 fights in a turn with me; 1 ship at a time. So what should really be one fight becomes six, and that really slogs everything down. Throwing in the after action reports will not just slow things down more, but it then becomes a balancing nightmare if you're accounting for pirate AI doing silly things like that; either it will be way overpowered to get big rewards for smacking around a small ship and hardly breaking a sweat, or for the times when you actually have a tooth and nail encounter with something that's on par (or even stronger than your fleet), the reward won't be worth it. 

On a similar vein, and as a counter suggestion, I'd like to have your thoughts on this idea: how about an event for after you have assimilated a system into your empire? There could be multiple events, and options on how you want to handle it. Maybe the new Horatio colony you took over is throwing a hissy fit, and you can pacify them with a sumptious banquet (no food production from those planets for five turns), or their mood drops them right down to being at risk for rebellion. 

Maybe the 'freed' slaves that you saved from the Cravers are so elated to join your empire, they've prepared a gift for you, and you get a choice between a big load of dust on the one hand, or the people's promise to work hard (industry boost for several turns) to make this colony worthy of being in your empire. 

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8 years ago
Jul 6, 2017, 4:16:55 AM

Personally I like both those ideas and I think it shouldn't be too hard to balance the post battle events by lowering or raising the strength of the buff or debuff depending or how hard an accomplishement it should be to do. Honestly it might be harder to balance empire assimilation buffs as it would depend on which empire would take over the stuff from an other empire even though I still think it's a idea worth implementing.

If I might add my own idea to this tread I would propose more random events effects being permanent. I find it weird that often what should be empire changing decisions will give me a change only for a few turns. It doesn't even have to be both choices that are permanent so you would have to decide between a long term advantage or a short term one. For exemple in the "Call a spaceman a spaceman" event you would still have the choice of loosing industry for a while or take a permanent -5 empire wide approval hit after the standard -10 one. Or in the scientific labor dispute one (which I think might already be bugged in that it shows the science buff choice to be permanent) you could have the choice in between a science debuff and industry buff for a few turn as you ignore the problem until it goes away or a permanent science buff but a permanent dust debuff. Overall I feel it might make people get more invested into their choice.

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