One thing I’d like to see in the game would be soft population caps for planets/systems. This would be a more realistic system than hard caps and would be more fun to manage. When a planet reached the soft cap, instead of population growth stopping, and food being wasted, it could still continue to grow. Each additional population added beyond the soft cap would add an increasing approval penalty, similar to the current overpopulation penalty. Technologies and improvements could move the cap up or decrease the approval penalty. With this system in place, you would have to manage your food surpluses more carefully, and make sure that your planets don’t get so overpopulated that they are chronically unhappy. I’m pretty sure that redistributing food between systems is planned to be in the game, and worries about overpopulation would be an encouragement to use this system.
Soft Population Caps

Old Thinker
8 years ago
Jan 23, 2017, 4:55:08 PM
Updated 3 days ago.
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