the system this game uses to generate the players home star system needs to be reviewed!

(I already have a posted idea about having the home planet and home system as fixed per faction)

too many times have I started a new game and all I get is 1 or 2 start system sizes being 3 or 4 planets every time, although there are larger ones in the game, and 8 times out of 10 apart from the home planet, the other planets are always gas giants. 

I literally just started 5 new games before writing this... twice I had a 4 planet system and a 3 planet one 3 times, and with all 5 re starts I received gas giants as every other planet beside my home planet.  C'mon, really?

star systems need more variation in size, I believe from 3 planets as you have already up to 10 planets, slightly bigger than the real world solar system. making the 3 planet size more rare and sizes from 5/6 up to 8/9 more common if the continued gas giant ratio doesn't change.

there are just too many gas giants filling up the star systems in my opinion.

and since update 2 there are way too many stars with no planets at all, and the ones that do have planets are generally always having a minor faction on it, what's the point of having a colonisation ship!

not long ago I experienced a galaxy that I explored up to around 8 or 9 systems, only 1 other had actual planet's, and still couldn't colonize it because a minor faction was on it! I was surrounded by non colonisable start systems.

the galaxy itself is the center point of this game, doesn't matter how fancy it looks or how many new options in politics the player has or how unique the play style is for each faction or how good the new research page looks, all this game has to offer rides on the quality of the games main platform being the galaxy it self, at this stage I almost believe its close to being classified as broken because it really is killing the gaming experience.

the galaxy and the home system generation needs to be reviewed.