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8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 6:46:34 AM

A simple idea:

These space stations appears in asteroid belts or space cloud when there under no control of an Empire.

They are the (only) spawning points for pirate ships.

You can destroy those hives, there are like a big ship that can't move.

If an Empire goes into Anarchy, there is a small chance a Pirate Hive / Eden spawn in his belts / clouds.

There can't be more Pirate Hives/Eden than the number of players.

Pirate hives / eden are linked between them like trade companies. Those "pirate companies" are networks of piracy : the system nodes of this network are #1 priority targets (pirate ships can't go to far of those routes).

If a traderoute share a route with a pirate route, then the traderoute is 25% less efficient between the shared nodes.

This would restrict the pirate in endgame and help to localize the origin of the plague. These network makes players able to understand a little where to defend too.

Updated 3 days ago.
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The IMPLEMENTED status designates ideas that have been implemented in the game.


DEV Dagart

status updated 7 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to IMPLEMENTED as it has been implemented in the game. High five! Congratulations!
We took the main ideas from this thread to implement them in the previous Galactic Statecraft Update. Hope you liked it ;)


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8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 11:34:35 AM

Great idea!

I think it'd be nice as well if you could add the possibility of engaging in diplomacy with them as well so that you could perhaps hire 'privateers' early on in the game or influence the crime rings to try and sabotage other empires' trade routes, or simply pay them to lay off your territory for a certain amount of turns.

Of course, since you are dealing with criminals, there could be buffs and debuffs, such as lowering overall approval, and giving dust and research bonuses if you're hiring them to attack trade routes. You could also treat them as a trade company and buy them ships and give them a budget,  then when they attack other factions' trade routes or they trade between the other Pirate Hives/Edens you get a cut of that dust and research.

In Multiplayer the pirate faction could bring a lot of fun and make it really interesting to see how each player will try to vye for the Pirate Faction's (temporary) loyalty and see how they will influence them in order to help or impede the growth of another empire.

Obviously this would all be tied together by the fact that none of the other empires knows who's dealing with the pirate faction and who isnt because the whole deal behind it would be the secrecy involved, making it create an atmosphere of suspense and suspicion towards other empires.

This idea seems like it has great potential and could certainly add much more content to the game, the possibilities are endless!

(that pun was terrible)

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8 years ago
Feb 3, 2017, 7:45:42 PM

Shagmeister, what about a cyclic event where all player paid Luxuries (if you clic on the pay button, it will remove 10 from the luxury you have the most), and the one that is not the last but the 2nd last get the most attention from Pirates ?

4 players :

- Player A pays 100

- Player B pays 60

- Player C pays 50

- Player D pays 0

--> pirates would attack player C the most, then player D, then sometimes player B then a few times player A

Another case :

- Player A pays 30

- Player B pays 0

- Player C pays 0

- Player D pays 0

--> pirates would attack equally players B, C and D and rarely player A.


(if only 2 players, then it's the last A pays 10, B pays 0, then pirates goes for player B).

Pirates could build fleet with these luxuries : if A pays 400 and B 250, then pirate would have 650 worth of pirate ship to throw mainly at player B :)

Say this is a 20 turns cyclic event like elections ?

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 6, 2017, 2:23:15 PM

Just to add to this crazy good idea, Put them in the Systems that give you +50 of Dust, Science or Industry. The benefit cannot be acquired until said space station is either on your side or its destroyed.

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8 years ago
Feb 6, 2017, 6:47:10 PM

Those cloud belt / asteriod / ... systems are AFAIK all the ones that gives +X FIDS when they goes under a player's influence. Putting them there is the idea (since you have strictly no interest in visiting them).

If the system is under nobody's control, those pirate hive/eden/mothership/whatever can pop there, so preemptive destroying those may have little to no value (unless, say, hives only pop after the "pirate elections" described in post 2 and 4).

Not giving the bonus when the system pass under a player's control may be a little harsh to me but it can perfectly work to "nerf" passive influence growth (ie : having to work toward those bonuses instead of passivly gain them through stockpiling semi-automatic influence) : with great power comes great responsability :p

Maybe the bonus could go to :

- those who have the biggest military force sitting there. In this case, the pirates, until someone kill them.

- if there is nobody there, the bonus goes to the empire that have influence over it.

Visiting those systems, if they are clean of pirates, could bother an enemy, because you could "steal" someone's bonus. :D

("to give to which system of yours" is a problem to solve though : your capital, maybe ?)

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 6, 2017, 7:14:14 PM

Additional ideas:

Instead of poping a random number of ships (I don't really know what are the laws behind the pirate pop), pirates could buy ships on the market via a few ways :

a- they sort-of could "transform" the bonus in the asteroid/cloud into dust to buy ships on the market (say for example, 50  / turn transforms into 50  / turn).

b- after the "pirate elections" (see post #2 & #4) they could sell the luxuries all players gave on the regular market.

c- what they pirate serves to buy new ships too (pirates routes, or when they blockade a system).

With a part of this dust, they could buy ships on the market.

When they buy a ship, they stockpile the modules and scrap the remaining hull for more dust.

Then, they can complete their basic fits with the new modules.

The Pirate hulls are not free for them but very cheap. They comes with a very basic fit that they can complete with the modules they got on the market :

Adding a laser here or a plate there because they bough a laser and a plate (coming with a useless hull, but they can scrap it for dust and then buy new ships again).

=> benefits #1: the market moves.

=> benefits #2: pirates would always use mid level tech (the one that is sold).

=> benefits #3: the game doesn't invent or import too much free stuff for its pirate AI : there would be always a reason if the pirates are too strong (it would be because nobody is buying from nobody aka lategame crisis).

Now for the Hero market... You can't freely sell heroes on the market (yet ?), but if you could, I could see them being those hives :)

Aka after "pirate elections" (post #2/#4), some of those heroes would say "o-sht, let's go pirate".

Shagmeister's ideas (post 2) deserve better attentions, my post 4 is only a tiny % of what he spoke about.
He speaks about pirates as a faction when what I tell is just pirate as bots.

All those ideas could transform into a superb faction #9, I'm confident on that.

Updated 8 years ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 13, 2017, 5:04:44 AM

It would also be good to be able to destroy the Pirate Hive and stop the predations of that particular Pirate Clan. No Hives = No Pirates. Having systems fall to Anarchy and become Pirates, especially if the Homeworld is lost, is also a good idea.

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8 years ago
Feb 19, 2017, 7:25:15 AM

I like the idea to make pirates less random. I wonder, if you guys thought of the possibility to spawn new (and ofcause agressive) hives on purpose close to your opponents by financing them, or likewise.

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DEV Dagart

status updated 7 years ago

The status of this idea has been changed to IMPLEMENTED as it has been implemented in the game. High five! Congratulations!
We took the main ideas from this thread to implement them in the previous Galactic Statecraft Update. Hope you liked it ;)

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