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Campaigning heroes


8 years ago
Feb 2, 2017, 9:12:59 PM

Hello, update two has really increased politic influence in the game, as letting the senate being elected without interfering can prove to be costly when most parties are unlocked, because of the "representatives not in senate" penalty. 

To provide players an additional way to influence elections, it would be interesting to create a new hero assignment possibility: Campaigning.

This assignment would only be possible within the five turns prior to an election (for a normal game pace). The campaigning hero would give a boost for his party (and I would give an extra boost for senator heroes, after all, they are politicians trying to keep their place ). While campaigning, the hero would not be available for system administration or fleet command for all the turns remaining before the election, so the player would have to think carefully before going for this option. Locked heroes would not be available for campaign assignment. The longer the hero would campaign, the bigger the bonus for the party would be. The hero would become available again after the actual vote. 

This would make the hero political party a crucial thing to consider when recruiting them and would help political stability.

Updated 17 days ago.
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8 years ago
Feb 3, 2017, 8:29:38 PM

Yes, I actually thought about this after submitting the idea, but I was to lazy to change it. I was hoping somebody else would think about this as well .

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8 years ago
Jul 4, 2017, 6:24:01 AM

Cool idea with an easy to implement process: when the notification pops up with the pollong graphic five turns before the election, it could give you an option to choose which (if any) hero senators go campaigning until the election.

Boosting the already good political system sounds good to me.

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7 years ago
Nov 30, 2017, 6:47:50 PM

What I like about this is it might be a useful or mechanic to try and support a late game political shift in ideology. I think this is built into the government models pretty effectively. But I like the idea all the same. Some questions. What happens while a Hero is campaigning.

Does he fly from planet to planet automatically boosting that political party's support in the system or only target a planet with the lowest support for a political party.

Does he only campaign in the system he's assigned too?

I'd suggest it probably shouldn't cost influence, but dust, and then that hero becomes unassigned for at least 10 turns (5 turns on either side of the election).

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6 years ago
Jan 12, 2019, 9:43:58 PM

i stumbled across this thread as i was looking for something a bit different. But i think it could tie into this idea pretty well.

What i am looking for is to influence which heroe becomes the leader of a political party.

The game does pick that completely randomly. I tried to manipulate it. Its not the highest level nor is it the earliest you get.

Backgroundstory (kinda ranting):

I must say i am pretty pissed at the moment cuz i am playing a match and i changed political system to get one specific heroe into the senate (by adding a political party through government-change).

The hero i wanted in the senate is the second hero i got in this game (second to the only one that happens to already be a political leader of another party) and he is level 21. Yet when the elections role the leader of said party is going to be a level 9 one that is the 5th heroe i got of this party.


I realoaded the game several times and always end up with that sucker. Would have gotten rid of him if i could but thats also not possible.

Now my idea for this: You might want to send a heroe campaigning and should that heroe you sent campaigning not be the leader of the political party he is in he gets to be the leader after the election (if the party wins a spot) unless the leader of said party is also campaigning.

I do get that it would be strange to simply pick what heroe you would like but this way you could make sure you've get the heroeskills you want in there and not some completely random thing you have no possibility of even predicting, let alone influencing.

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