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Trade company ranking and investment possibilities

DiplomacyTrade CompaniesMarketplaceEconomy

8 years ago
Feb 3, 2017, 5:03:13 PM

I saw there were already a lot of interesting ideas about trade companies/marketplace.

A feature which would complement the ability to rename companies and to invest in them would be to release on a regular basis (like every ten turns on normal pace) a ranking for the companies of the different players, which would only be available for player having access to the marketplace.

For investment, it should be possible for a player to invest in the companies of another empire after having unlocked a diplomatic tech. It would give her/him access to a fraction of the ressources the company is selling. The players could also be able to withdraw their companies from the market to lead a more protectionist policy, thus preventing other players to invest in them.

The drawback for players choosing to make their companies available for investment would be that the more there are investment, the higher the risk for an economical crisis (which can already be triggered in game) will be. An estimation of the risk of a financial crisis would be stipulated on the company ranking report. The player could have access to a better estimation of the risk by making a market analysis (which would cost research points).

Updated 2 months ago.
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8 years ago
Jul 4, 2017, 6:19:44 AM

Very interesting ideas here! I know its been a little while since you posted but if you're still on board with your idea, I'm supporting it!

An investment system, if done properly and simply could add for some interesting economic/diplomatic gameplay. Might be difficult to do, but it could make for some new diplomacy like you mentioned, or maybe even some laws.

And even if the main part of your idea isn't adopted, I like the idea of renaming companies, and having a galactic ranking system! I think it could make for some fun immersion if they made it a notification that popped every 10 turns from the "Galactic Economist Magazine" or something.

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8 years ago
Jul 4, 2017, 6:47:18 AM

Thank you very much. Actually, the idea of renaming companies has been submitted by somebody else here https://www.games2gether.com/endless-space-2/ideas/215-ability-to-rename-trade-corporations and it has been greenlit!

I offered this one to complement what was already proposed

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